Why make Britain more of a target?
为什么在英国引起争议呢? |
Why make a dense pop album?
为什么要做一张音乐性质稠密的专辑呢? |
Why make the Cup a portkey when Harry's toothbrush would work just as well?
为什么一定要把奖杯做成门钥匙,哈利的牙刷难道不也同样有效? |
Why many supermodels are miserable?
为什么许多超级模特很可怜? |
Why me, instead of another person like those billions?
但为什么我会是我,而不是另外的那几十亿人? |
Why measure life in heartbeats?
为什么要用心博来计量生命呢? |
Why mention Webster's dictionary.
为什么在此提到韦式大字典? |
Why might we want to consider other dimensions of well-being than income?
我们为何会考量收入以外的其他福利层面? |
Why must I tell that worker he is laid off? You do your own dirty work.
为什麽我必须告诉那个工人他被解雇了?你自己去做那令人厌恶之事。 |
Why must heterosexuals be so blatant, making a public spectacle of your heterosexuality? Can't you just be what you are and keep it quiet?
异性恋者一定要在大庭广众之下这么的招摇吗?为什么就不能安安静静的过自己的日子? |
Why must locally produced work wear cultural pride on its chest to be deemed worthwhile by the investors and the govenment?
为什么本土作品要自我标榜文化自夸却被投资方和政府认为是值得做的? |