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All infantile esotropia had asymmetric motion perception in both eyes regardless whether the strabismus was fixed to one eye or of alternate type, whether the eye was amblyopic or non-amblyopic.

All incoming &outgoing faxes can be backup to a designated e-mail addresses. 所有发送出去及接收以的传真均会抄送一个备份到指定的电子邮箱。
All incoming faxes will be routed to individual e-mail box that represent the direct fax number. 所有传进来的传真会根据直线传真号码被分发到指定的电子邮箱。
All incoming speech is sampled very quickly. 对所有进入的声音进行快速采样。
All indications are that the breakthrough by the 1st Brigade of the 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division toward the Baghdad international airport, although a significant thrust forward, did not come as a surprise to the Iraqi command. 所有的迹象表明机步3师第1旅朝巴格达国际机场的突破,尽管是重要的前突,并没有出乎伊军指挥部的意料。
All indications coming from bindings to the physical adapters are sent up as if they belong to virtual adapters. 所有的来自物理适配器的指示会向上发送到它们能够适用的虚拟适配器。
All infantile esotropia had asymmetric motion perception in both eyes regardless whether the strabismus was fixed to one eye or of alternate type, whether the eye was amblyopic or non-amblyopic. 所有幼儿型内斜视病人,无论是固定一眼内斜视或是交替性内斜视,也无论是弱视眼或非弱视眼,他两眼的运动觉都是不对称的。
All information about initial values for design is provided by the chart, thus the synthesis can be carried out by minicomputer, the process shows that it is easy to converge, and the optimum equal approximation guarantees the error of derived mechanism i 以线图的形式提供了这类设计问题所需初始值的全部信息,使迭代法设计过程在微机上得以实施,运算收敛快,而最佳一致逼近法求解的机构则保证在逼近区间误差最小。
All information and data contained herein are complied only for the customers and business partners of Well Develop. 本网站所载的资料祗供威宝拓展有限公司客户及商业伙伴参考。
All information and data contained in this Website is complied only for the members of Shatin Tsung Tsin Church for reference. 本网站所载的资料祗供沙田崇真堂及其会员参考。
All information and data transfer at easecredit website is done in accordance with secure transaction methods. 易信网站上的所有信息和数据交易都是用过安全交易手段实现的。
All information in any interpreting assignment is to be kept in strictest confidence. 所有翻译中所提及的信息都要坚持严格保密。

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