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Hematite was successfully removed from kaolinite by shear flocculation, when sodium oleate was used.
采用剪切絮凝工艺 ,可有效脱除高岭石中的赤铁矿。

The Design and Research of Windbreak and Sand Fixation StrawCheckerboard Barriers Paving Robot s Cutting Setup; 草方格铺设机器人剪切机构的设计研究
An effective analysis of the operant conditioning electromyography biofeedback treatment responses of zero muscle strength grade in long term patients with cervical spinal cord injury; 操作性肌电生物反馈治疗陈旧性颈脊髓损伤零肌力肌肉的疗效分析
Optimization study of lime-upright-furnace briquette used as a substitution for coke with orthogonal experiments; 采用正交试验法优配石灰立窑代焦型煤的研究
High-purity food tannin was prepared from gallnut by solvent extraction, via. 采用溶剂萃取法,以五倍子为原料,水为溶媒进行浸提,再用乙酸乙酯为溶剂进行萃取,通过脱色制备高纯度食品鞣酸。
Method of incorporation of cortisol in the diet,simulating natural chronic stress,was used to study the growth and circulating blood cells in the cortisol-fed fingerling yellow catfish(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). 采用皮质醇混饲投喂的试验方法,模拟自然条件下的慢性应激,观察和分析了应激激素皮质醇对黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)幼鱼生长和外周血细胞的效应。
Hematite was successfully removed from kaolinite by shear flocculation, when sodium oleate was used. 采用剪切絮凝工艺 ,可有效脱除高岭石中的赤铁矿。
Furthermore, the developed method has been successfully ap-plied for the analysis of monosaccharides in the oligosaccharides derived from cell wall of Alternaria al-ternate (oligosaccharidesⅠ) and Botrytis Cinerea (oligosaccharidesⅡ). 采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)法对5种用1-苯基2-甲基-5-吡唑啉酮(PMP)衍生后的单糖,进行了分离分析,并采用该方法对两种真菌源寡聚糖的单糖组成进行了分析。
Estimating the fluid supplement amount of burn patients with escharectomy in shock stage by multivariate analysis; 采用多变量分析估算休克期切痂烧伤患者休克期补液量
Estimating the fluid supplement amount of burn patients with escharectomy in shock stage by multivariate analysis; 采用多变量分析估算休克期切痂烧伤患者休克期补液量
Using the sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) for grass carp growth hormone , plasma kinetics of rcGH in Clarias batrachus after administrations of rcGH were investigated. 采用草鱼生长激素夹心式酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA) ,研究了重组鲤生长激素(rcGH) 在胡子鲶血浆中的代谢动力学。
The representative endocrine disrupters(EDCs)Methomyl was oxidized by O3 and the impact of humic acid, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical inhibitor hydrogen carbonate ion and tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) on the Methomyl removal was discussed. 采用O3氧化去除水中内分泌干扰物灭多威,通过投加腐殖酸、过氧化氢及羟自由基抑制剂碳酸根离子和叔丁醇,考察灭多威的去除效果。

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