Thus, such phenomena as vermilion turning black, aging of red lead and the fading of arsenic can now be more essentially represented by the chemical reactions of cinnabar having its crystal lattice transformed, lead tetroxide turned into lead dioxide, and
于是,朱砂变黑,铅丹老化,石黄退色等现象,便可以用硫化汞转变了晶格,四氧化三铅变成了二氧化铅,硫化砷变成了氧化砷来更本质地加以表述了。 |
Thus, such slowing-down/speeding-up swimming will be more exhausting and slower.
因此,如此的减速/加速游泳将会耗费更多的能量而且速度较慢。 |
Thus, suspects may wisely refuse an invitation by the arresting officers to let the suspect enter the residence, and instead rely on their friends if they need clothes or pet feeding.
因此,疑犯会聪明地拒绝拘捕警官让其进去住宅的要求,如果他们需要取衣服或喂宠物则会让其朋友代劳。 |
Thus, the Census Bureau could estimate that on census forms no more than two percent of the population would claim to be multiracial.
因而,人口普查局便根据调查表估计说不到2%的美国人声明他们有多重种族归属。 |
Thus, the Chinese characters in the phonetic complex category are more difficult than the characters in the other three categories.
此外,在六书中四种造字原则之认字正确性与难度达显着性差异,由难到易的顺序为形声、会意、象形、指事。 |
Thus, the Chinese language teaching in Japan in the early modern times was mainly used as a tool of its foreign expansionism and closely related to the political situation of the Far-East.
近代日本的中国语教育主要是作为日本对外侵略扩张的工具,同远东政治格局紧密相连。 |
Thus, the GPL gives permission to release the modified program in certain ways, and not in other ways; but the decision of whether to release it is up to you.
因此,GPL允许在某些情况下需要发布修改程序,而某些情况不需发布,但是否发布由你决定。 |
Thus, the Pilgrims and Puritans who landed in the New World, unlike the self-styled aristocrats who colonized Virginia, believed in the dignity, even sanctity, of hard work.
因此,登陆新世界新教徒和清教徒不同于那些自命高尚的维吉尼亚殖民地贵族,他们相信辛勤工作是有尊严的,甚至是神圣的。 |
Thus, the Puritan elders, in their black cloaks, starched bands, and steeple-crowned hats, smiled not unbenignantly at the clamour and rude deportment of these jolly seafaring men; and it excited neither surprise nor anim-adversion, when so reputable a ci
因此,那些穿着黑色礼服、挺着浆过的环状皱领、戴着尖顶高帽的清教徒长者们,对于这帮快活的水手们的大声喧哗和粗野举动,反倒报以不无慈爱的微笑;而当人们看到老罗杰·齐灵渥斯这样一个德高望重的居民和医生走进市场、同那艘形迹可疑的船只曲船长亲密面随便地交谈的时候,既没有引起惊讶之感,也没有议论纷纷。 |
Thus, the Three-Dimensional pattern will be formed, and CGSEE will be focused.
形成立体传播的格局,让媒体聚集“CGSEE中德光伏展”。 |
Thus, the United States would do well to strengthen its ties with a more robust and nuclear-capable India so as to offset China's growing strategic importance and influence.
因此,美国最好加强与一个健壮的有核能力的印度的关系,以便抵销中国的日益增强的战略性重要性和影响。 |