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By the end of the decade the “economic miracles” created by the reorganization of West European production to serve technocratic and acquisitive ends had made the world ripe for full-blown consumerism.

By the end of the Second World War Rewi had achieved enough to make him one of the heroes of the Chinese revolution, even if he did nothing more and had retired to New Zealand. 直至二战结束,即使路易什么也不做,退休回到新西兰,他也已经成为了中国革命的英雄之一。
By the end of the campaign, Republicans were airing ads distancing themselves from Bush's wartime leadership, and the president himself abandoned the phrase stay the course.The White House is placing hope on a study group headed by former secretary of sta 到了选战末期,共和党人开始打文宣,和布希伊战时的领导政策保持距离,总统本人也放弃「维持原来路线不变」的口号。
By the end of the course you will have gained three credits. 学完本课程,你将获得三个学分。
By the end of the day Tuesday, the sandstorm was over and everything slowly got cleaned up, though a residue remained. 到了周二夜间,沙尘暴终于过去,万物逐渐恢复了本色,但沙尘肆虐的痕迹仍然随处可见。
By the end of the day, the prisoners were free, Aeryn had been exiled from her people, and Crichton was a fugitive. 经过混乱的一天,囚犯们终于自由了,艾瑞被自己人放逐,而克莱顿成了一个逃亡者。
By the end of the decade the “economic miracles” created by the reorganization of West European production to serve technocratic and acquisitive ends had made the world ripe for full-blown consumerism. 在以实现技术统治为目的对西欧生产进行重组所制造的“经济奇迹”差不多快十年的时候,全球的保护消费者权益的观念已经达到一个很成熟的阶段。
By the end of the decade their practical upshot will, if they continue to hold true, be the power to synthesise a string of DNA the size of a human genome in a day. 到2010年,如果这些图仍然适用,届时的实际结果将是,一串人体基因大小的DNA可以在一天之内被合成。
By the end of the end of September 2003, China Life Insurance Company Limited achieve premium income 105.1 billion yuan, accounting for 45.8% of the national market share, and China Life Insurance (Group) Company for 54% of overall market share, its opera 截至到2003年9月底,中国人寿保险股份有限公司实现保费收入1051亿元,占全国市场份额的45.8%,与中国人寿保险(集团)公司的总体市场份额为54%,其经营的业务在31个省市自治区中的29个,市场份额排名第一;个险、团险、意外险和健康险业务均名列前茅,并已为超过1亿的长期保单客户和1.5亿的短期保单客户提供过服务。
By the end of the flood, 800 people had been saved by the PLA, but at the cost of over 20 soldiers. 答案:洪水结束后,解放军一共拯救了800个人,代价是牺牲了20个人。
By the end of the hour you will be able to see why Bibury Systems are so committed to this new venture and why we so confident that we can capture the American market. 最后,我会向大家概括说明我们对怎样使这款产品在各自的市场区域成功销售的一些建议。
By the end of the nineteenth century not only were mechanical, civil, and mining and metallurgical engineering established but the newer specialties of chemical and electrical engineering emerged. 到19世纪末,不仅机械,土建,采矿和冶金工程得到了提高,还出现了较新的如化学和电气工程这样的专业。

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