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THE defeat of the Nationalist army and the advance of the Communists to the north bank of the Yangtze River changed everything in the Kuomintang capital at Nanking.

THE campaign was dirty and contentious. 这次的竞选活动充满阴谋并让人争论不已。
THE clearing of forests for agriculture or logging is progressing at a worrisome rate around the world. 全球,为农垦或木材而清除森林的行为正以令人担忧的速度进行着。
THE company may have had a bumpy ride over the past 12 months, but the latest demonstration flight of Airbus's new A380 was ultra-smooth. 在过去的12个月间,空中客车公司大概经历了一次颠簸不平的飞行,不过其新机型A380最近一次的验证飞行却极为顺畅。
THE current row over climate change sounds all too familiar. 当前关于气候变化的争论我们已耳熟能详。
THE daughter of a shipwright in the Royal Navy, Elizabeth Marsh had her first sailing adventure as she travelled in her mother's womb from Jamaica to England in 1735. 1735年在从牙买加开往英格兰的船上,伊莉莎白?马什,这位英国皇家海军部队造船匠的女儿在母亲的肚中经历了她第一次的航海远行。
THE defeat of the Nationalist army and the advance of the Communists to the north bank of the Yangtze River changed everything in the Kuomintang capital at Nanking. 有不少观察家认为,最近四分之一世纪以来,中国兵连祸结、国势日衰,全要归咎于蒋介石的独断专行。
THE demise of a call-girl ring and pending trial of an alleged madam claiming thousands of clients has the US capital riveted. 一个电话应招女郎们集团的灭亡以及一名被指拥有数千名客户的啊女士吸引了整个美国首都华盛顿的目光。
THE distinctively puffy features poked out from the open casket in which Boris Yeltsin lay after his death on April 23rd. 4月23日叶利钦去世后,他的遗体被安放在一口开放的灵柩之中,面部浮肿得很明显。
THE docks in Mobile, Alabama's only seaport, are crammed with lumber, steel coils, frozen chickens, coal and much else. 莫比尔是亚拉巴马州唯一的港口,它的各个码头都堆满了木材、一匝匝钢筋、冷冻鸡肉、煤,还有别的很多产品。
THE dollar's tumble this week was attended by predictable shrieks from the markets; but as it fell to a 20-month low of $1.32 against the euro, the only real surprise was that it had not slipped sooner. 这周美元贬值是市场预料中事;但当它下滑到20个月以来最低点——1.32美元对1欧元时,人们唯一真正感到惊奇的是美元没有贬值的更快。
THE easiest way for a general to make a people's war more effective is to support the movement by small detachments sent from the regular army. 对一位将军来说,要把人民战争开展得更好,最简便的方法是从正规军里抽出一些小分队去增强这方面的工作。

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