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The ports were overfilled. On board of 3,000 ships were 2,000 landing craft, 1,500 tanks, 5,000 armored vehicles, 10,000 jeeps and bulldozers, and the first wave of 250,000 landing troops.

The portrait has been carefully restored to its original state by museum experts. 这幅肖像已由博物馆专家们小心翼翼地恢复原状。
The portrait of her mother was her most prized possession. 她母亲的这张肖像是她最珍爱的物品。
The portrait of this young girl won several prestigious awards. 以这个小女孩为主体的照片赢了好几项知名的奖项。
The portrait was completed after six sittings. 这幅画模特儿坐了六次才画完.
The portrait was his proudest possession. 那肖像是他最为珍贵的东西.
The ports were overfilled. On board of 3,000 ships were 2,000 landing craft, 1,500 tanks, 5,000 armored vehicles, 10,000 jeeps and bulldozers, and the first wave of 250,000 landing troops. 此时的港口被塞满了:三千多艘舰船上搭载着二千艘登陆艇、一千五百辆坦克、五千辆装甲车、一万辆吉普车和推土机,以及首批登陆的二十五万名官兵。
The pose and motion parameters of mobile robot are obtained by the analysis of locomotion architecture, and its kinematic model is built based on the rigid constrains. 通过运动机构的分析,获得了移动机器人自身的位姿及运动参数。
The pose is still a tad wonky, but I think I fixed most of the major issues. 她摆的姿势还是看起来不太对﹐不过我应该是已经修改最明显的问题了。
The pose that sees a true gun of their that true knife can be unlike to play trick, so many beyond the power to care, ascend! 看他们那股真刀真枪的架式可不像开玩笑,管不了这么多,上吧!
The posing of the conception of deep basin gas provided a wide sphere and a new idea for searching for gas and oil. 深盆气概念的提出为寻找油气提供了一个广阔的领域和新的思维方式。
The position and momentum of the particle are observables. 粒子的位置和动量是可见的。

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