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All theory, dear friend, is gray; but the precious tree of life is green.

All their souls are damned in hell's eternity. 他们两人的灵魂从此在地狱中备受煎熬。
All their wickedness is in Gilgal: for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their princes are revolters. 15耶和华说,他们一切的恶事都在吉甲,我在那里憎恶他们,因他们所行的恶,我必从我地上赶出他们去,不再怜爱他们,他们的首领都是悖逆的。
All their work was for naught. 他们所有的工作都只是白做。
All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serve practice. 任何理论都来源于实践,反过来又为实践服务。
All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice. 所有的理论都来源于实践,并反过来为实践服务。
All theory, dear friend, is gray; but the precious tree of life is green. 亲爱的朋友,所有的理论都是灰色的;而宝贵的生活之树却是绿色的.
All theory, dear friend,is grey; but the precious tree of life is green. 亲爱的朋友,所有的理论都是灰色的;而宝贵的生活之树却是绿色的.
All these actions by the NATO conflicted with the universally accepted international laws. 北约的这些行动都与公认的国际法相抵触。
All these actions by the company conflicted with the universally accepted business rules. 公司的这些行动都与公认的商业规矩相抵触。
All these activists must be drawn into the work. 所有这些积极分子都应吸取来参加这项工作。
All these air, land and marine transportation make Binhai a place with efficient and multi-dimensional transportation system. 海、陆、空、水为滨海构筑起高效便捷、四通八达的立体交通运输体系。

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