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Imaging studies revealed a hepatic tumor at the medial segment of the left hepatic lobe with bilateral IHD dilatation, and cholangiocarcinoma was suspected.

Imagine, then, my thrill of terror when last night, as I lay awake, thinking over her terrible fate, I suddenly heard in the silence of the night the low whistle which had been the herald of her own death. 想象一下昨晚我醒着躺在床上时的颤栗和恐惧,我想到她的可怕命运,突然在夜晚的寂静中,我听到那曾经是我妹妹的死的先兆的低沉的哨声。
Imagine, too, that you are heading for the Arctic. 想像你正要航向北极,而且需要带五枚照明弹到达目的地。
Imagined communities tend to beget other imagined communities.Then they draw strength from eatch other. 想象社区往往招致其他想象团体.然后他们想象从彼此身上吸取力量.
Imagined futures that are really thinly disguised commentaries on current affairs are not chiefly concerned with reliable prediction. 想像中的未来即使是很小程度的受当前事件的评论左右,那么它都与可靠的预言无缘。
Imaging studies and ureteroscopy showed a right sac-like kidney with a right lower ureteral stricture. 影像检查及输尿管镜检查显示右襄肾及右下输尿管狭窄。
Imaging studies revealed a hepatic tumor at the medial segment of the left hepatic lobe with bilateral IHD dilatation, and cholangiocarcinoma was suspected. 但只在胆道内发生肝癌侵犯,而在肝实质无原发肝癌发现,当前文献只有少数报告。
Imaging that you are on a space mission and you have to sleep in zero gravity, help fix a satellite, and build a factory in orbit. 在无重力的状态下吃饭、睡觉;穿上太空衣在宇宙中漫步、修复人造卫星,一定是很有趣的经验。
Imagining I looking in Ur eyes. 当我看着对你的憧憬。
Imagining the big rainy day, leave the snow and sky, blue kite, spreading very long on the desolate meadow, the mother chrysanthemum is waving . 想象大雨天,落雪天,蓝风筝,荒草地蔓延得很长,野菊花在摇摆。
Imagining when ladies made their signature poses, some of poses were extremely feminine or a bit embarrassing; then, it will be so funny and everyone will laugh to death when CEO has to pose it one more time. 如果当初她所做的姿势是非常女性化或是非常促狭的,那么这时,当CEO要重摆一次时,可想而知,台上台下必将笑成一片。
Imbalance between eastern and western regions in economic development, not only seriously obstacles to the harmonious development of China's national economy as a whole, but also easily leads to even aggravate contradictions, and it also runs counter to t 东西部地区经济发展失衡,不仅严重阻碍了我国整个国民经济的和谐发展,还易于引发甚至加剧各种矛盾,而且这也与共同富裕的社会主义目标相违背。

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