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The boy will soon graduate from comics to storybooks.

The boy who is speaking to Helen enjoys playing soccer. 正在跟海伦谈话的那男孩喜爱踢足球。
The boy who lead my hand can't let me go.dear,i am afraid of whipping corpse because i love you. 牵住我手的男生不准提前放。手亲爱的我怕我爱你爱到鞭尸。
The boy who stands against the door is his younger brother. 门站着的那个男孩是他弟弟。
The boy whom we met yesterday works at a parking lot. 我们昨天遇见的那个男孩在停车场工作。
The boy will sit there hour after hour looking at the traffic go by. 那男孩常常坐在那里好几个钟点,看着车辆行人通过。
The boy will soon graduate from comics to storybooks. 那男孩不久将由看漫画晋级到读故事书。
The boy will-have the sugar. 小男孩将得到(有)糖果。
The boy wishes he had wings. 那男孩真希望有翅膀。
The boy with his back to the camera began to straighten up; he was turning. But the picture was over. 背冲着摄像机的那个男青年直起身来;他就要转身了。但是电影结束了。
The boy wizard of Harry Potteris growing up - and so are his fans, many of whom have replaced their old capes and wands with declarations of undying love. 男孩魔法师“哈里·波特”渐渐长大成人,他的影迷们也是一样,他们当中许多人的披风魔杖已经被追求永恒爱情的宣言所取代。
The boy worshipped his father. 这小孩崇拜他的父亲。

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