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What I'm telling you is gospel.

What I would like to propose is that as an observable social phonemenon politeness is something superficial but to account for what is perceived at the surface we should delve into the depth where different cultural values are rooted. 我想提出的是礼貌作为一种可见的社会现象仅是表面的,而要理解表面的现象则需探究扎根于不同文化中深层的内涵。
What I would like to show you, without too many words of description, are the highlight pictures of my trip. Obviously, one picture is worth a thousand words. 务须说更多描叙性的话语,这些精彩的图片就可把我在旅途中的所见所闻全部呈现在你面前.很明显,一张照片的说服力抵得上成百上千个文字.
What I'd do, I'd let old phoebe come out and visit me in the summertime and on Christmas vacation and Easter vacation. 我要做的,是在夏天的时候,与在圣诞假期和复活节假期时,我要让菲比出来拜访我。
What I'd like to do tomorrow is to sleep the whole day at home. 我明天想做的就是待在家里睡一天的觉.
What I'm telling you is firsthand information; I didn't hear it from someone else. 我所告诉你的都是第一手的信息,我还没听到别人提及过。
What I'm telling you is gospel. 我告诉你的事千真万确。
What I'm trying to [B]get at[/B] is whether you want to marry Susan for her father's money or because you love her. 你想知道的是,你跟苏姗结婚是为了她父亲的钱,还是因为你真的爱她。
What I'm trying to say is: many players put the cart before the horse. 我尝试想说的是:许多运动员本末倒置。
What I'm worried about is the house is too far away from work. 使我心烦的是这房子离我工作的地方太远了。
What IS a Caucus-race? “什么是会议式赛跑?”
What If I can't pay on time? 如果不能按时付费怎么办?

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