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The correspondent changes from single phase reclosing mode to synthesis reclosing mode were introduced as well.

The correlations among them were analyzed. [Result] The main results were as follows: before seeding, the number of microorganisms were largest in sandy loam and smallest in clay. [方法]采用池栽方式,以掖单22为材料,研究不同质地土壤的玉米根际微生物数量和酶活性变化,并进行相关分析。
The correspondence between string theory and chromodynamics implies that these early efforts were not misguided; the two descriptions are different faces of the same coin. 现在我们知道了弦论和色动力学之间的对应,这意味着以前的努力并没有白费,这两种理论其实是一体的两面。
The correspondence dropped after the enemy's airraid. 敌人空袭后通信中断了。
The correspondence is described by the picture above. 这种对应关系要求符合上图所描述的关系。
The correspondence or not correspondance of visual perception of the place where are sitated the labels could be determinated by Buyer. 标贴所贴位置的外观可接受和不可接受的程度由买方决定。
The correspondent changes from single phase reclosing mode to synthesis reclosing mode were introduced as well. 并介绍了单重改综重所做相应的改变。
The corresponding learning algorithm is given and the effectiveness of this method is proved by the prediction of exhaust gas temperature in aircraft engine condition monitoring. 给出了相应的学习算法,并以飞机发动机状态监控中发动机排气温度的预测为例验证了模型和算法的有效性。
The corresponding lending rate stipulated by the People's Bank of China applies to that on loans for refurbishing houses. 家居装修贷款利率执行中国人民银行规定的相应档次贷款利率。
The corresponding punishments force you bear punctuality in mind. 相应的处罚制度让你不得不把守时铭记在心。
The corresponding results have a good agreement with the reactor dynamics. 得到了与相应反应堆动力学很一致的结果。
The corresponding surface consists of a set of triangles spanning neighboring pairs of contours. 而相应的平面则由周围数对轮廓线生成的一组三角形组成。

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