Both countries are now dealing with fresh revolts that are loosely connected.
这两个国家目前都在打击着关联不大的新近的反叛运动。 |
Both countries are on the edge of the EU, but whereas Bulgarians feel out of the mainstream, Romanians do not.
虽然两国都即将加入欧盟,但保加利亚人却感到自己仍处在欧洲主流文化之外。 |
Both countries deny the allegations.
但是伊朗和叙利亚都对此予以否认。 |
Both countries have huge current-account deficits: Bulgaria's was some 13.5% of GDP in 2006, Romania's 10.3%.
两国都有严重的货币赤字,在2006年,保加利亚的货币赤字占其GDP的13.5%,在罗马尼亚则是10.3%。 |
Both countries must renounce support for terrorism, and in Iran's case, its nuclear ambitions.
叙利亚&伊朗必须放弃支持恐怖主义,例如伊朗的核野心。 |
Both countries want to hammer out the deal by the time President Bush visits India some time either late next month or early March.
美印两国想在下月晚些或是3月早些时候借布什总统访问印度的机会制定出此项交易。 |
Both countries will benefit from economic co-operation.
中比两国政治上没有根本利害冲突,经济上互补性很强。 |
Both countries' borders are leaky.
两国的边境管理都比较松。 |
Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies.
封面和封底还都必须写明你是该副本的发布者。 |
Both credit-rating agencies still place it a few notches below investment grade.
不过信贷评级机构依然将尼日利亚列在投资级别之下。 |
Both dancing and snarling are manifestations of bodily expressivity , but only the former has the character of an objectively available sign.
舞蹈和吼叫都是身体的表现,但只有舞蹈具有客观援用的符号。 |