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and further, in Monger space convergence theorems for such an iteration are proved.
并进一步在Menger空间内,证明了关于这一类迭代的 个收敛性定理.

and cystine tablets ( 00mg/d 00mg t.i.d.p.o.) 和胱氨酸片( 00 mg/d 00 mg 次/d p.o.)
and descend speed of head<0.8 cm/h in cases( .%). 活跃期胎头下降速度<0 .8cm /h 例( . % )。
and etrog citron (Citrus medico L.) in China. 和香橼(Citrus medica L.)
and experience embodied in Europeans wedded to 搈orals? 成熟的标志是“单纯”与“经验”融合。
and from . to min the condition of mobile phase was set back to A∶B=80∶0. The detection wavelength was 0 nm. min恢复流动相条件A∶B=80∶0。 检测波长 0nm。
and further, in Monger space convergence theorems for such an iteration are proved. 并进一步在Menger空间内,证明了关于这一类迭代的 个收敛性定理.
and in Giant Petrel eggs they were 8.~8.7ng/g, .7~ .7ng/g, .~8.8ng/g and 0.~.ng/g respectively. 巨海燕卵样多氯联苯含量范围在 8.~8.7ng/g,滴滴涕.7~ .7ng/g,氯代苯.~8.8ng/g,六六六0.~.ng/g。
and it is the highest checkout rate among work service persons(.8‰)and foreigners( .‰) than that of in sailors(.7‰) of inland districts. 而内陆口岸检出率,则以出境劳务和入境人员最高,分别为.8‰和 .‰,海员最低,为.7‰。
and its density index(individual/room) dropped from .7 to .9. Dropped on ootheca infestation rate from 7.79% to . 8%, and its density index from .08 to . 7. After the campaign, all indexes reached the "Double five" and "Double two" standards. 卵荚侵害率从7.79%降至. 8%,密度指数(只/间)从.08降至. 7。 灭后各项指标均达到“双”、“双”标准。
and large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea R. 和大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea R.)
and maidenhair (Tagetes patula L.) 和孔雀草(Tagetes patula L.)

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