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Mitigation values scale up or down based on the con color of your attacker.

Mitch:What are you doing here? 你在这里干嘛?
Mitchell H K .Multivariate statistical analysis[M]. 多变量分析[M].北京:中国科学技术出版社.2000.
Mites have a bewilderingly diverse variety of lifestyles, from parasites to predators, gall-formers to sap-suckers. 螨虫有着千变万化、令人迷惑的生存方式,从寄生虫到掠食者,从寄居在植物上的虫瘿到吸取树液为生的小虫。
Mithos_-_Enciclopedia_de_Mitologia_em_Português Enciclopédia de mitologia com mais de 3000 verbetes, de greco romana a tupi guarani, passando por azteca, maia, nórdica, japonesa, hindu e outras dezenas de povos. 中国云南云南省电子政务门户网站,以为民服务、方便百姓办事、提高行政办事效率为目的。
Mithradates(c.131—63 B.C.),the great king of Pontus and enemy of Rome,is said to have swallowed toxic substances systematically ,increasing the doses until he made himself im-mune from assassination by poison. 据说,伟大的本都国王、罗马的敌人米特拉达梯(约公元前131—63前年)曾有步骤地吞服各种有毒的东西,并不断地加大剂量,直到后来能不被毒药暗杀。
Mitigation values scale up or down based on the con color of your attacker. 伤害吸收率会根据评估后敌人的颜色(与敌人的等级差)来调整.
Mitlleman RS. Use of the saline infusion electrode catheter for improved energy delivery and increased lesion size in radiofrequency catheter ablation[J]. PACE,1995,18:1022. 程斌,沈晓丽,许春萱,等.射频消融后心脏肌钙蛋白测定与心肌损伤的关系[J].临床心血管病杂志,1998,14(2):93.
Mitochondria are the sites of aerobic respiration, and generally are the major energy production center in eukaryotes. 线粒体是有氧呼吸的场所,同时也是真核生物主要的能量产生中心。
Mitochondria, the plantof energy in cells, has recently received great attention for its roles in metabolic diseases, e. g. diabetes and neural degenerative diseases. 摘要近年来,线粒体在一些重大的代谢性疾病如糖尿病和神经退行性病变中的作用备受关注。
Mitolo delivers wines that express purity of varietal flavour, elegance of structure with soft tannins whilst being rich, powerful and complex. 米多罗的酒表现出最纯然的葡萄品种风味,最高雅且饱含柔软单宁的结构,又最深邃复杂的醇厚劲道。
Mitsubishi program sets move order from head to foot, repaired and regulated depend on the time. 三菱可编程序设定上下左右移动指令,视节拍修整调节。

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