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In 1952 her Nirmal Hriday home for the dying opened its doors to people of all faiths from the streets of Calcutta, providing some dignity in death for the diseased and desperate.

In 1951, in the first live, coast-to-coast television broadcast, President Truman addressed the nation from the Japanese peace treaty conference in San Francisco. 1951年,杜鲁门总统首次通过跨洲(覆盖美国大西洋沿岸至太平洋沿岸的)电视直播,在三番市举行的日本和平条约会议上向全国发表致辞。
In 1951, peace talks aimed at ending the Korean Conflict resumed in Panmunjom after 63 days. 1951年的今天,旨在结束朝鲜半岛争端的和平谈判在中止63天后在板门店重新启动。
In 1951, the conservative party in won in the election, Churchill took the post of prime minister once more by 77 year old of. 1951年,保守党在在选举中获胜,丘吉尔以77岁高龄再次出任首相。
In 1951, the laws against Witchcraft were repealed in England. 在1951年,英格兰废除了反对魔法的法律。
In 1951, there were no copying machines, so it seemed logical to haul out my trusty old Royal manual typewriter and start copying all 420 pages. 在1951年的时候没有复印机,所以搬出我陈旧生锈的“高贵”牌手动打字机似乎是合乎逻辑的,我可是打印那整整420页的文字。
In 1952 her Nirmal Hriday home for the dying opened its doors to people of all faiths from the streets of Calcutta, providing some dignity in death for the diseased and desperate. 一九五二年时,她在尼莫利德为生命垂危者成立救济所,对加尔各答需要帮助的人敞开大门,不分宗教信仰,让病苦无依者也能有尊严地面对死亡。
In 1952, for example, the Diet unanimously called for the men convicted by the Allied war-criminal trials to be treated the same as those honorably killed or injured on the battlefield. 譬如1952年,议会一致提倡战争罪犯应该与战争上光荣牺牲或者受伤官兵享受同样待遇。
In 1953, IKEA opened its first 21) showroom in Almhult, Sweden. 1953年,宜家家具在瑞典阿姆怀特开张第一个展示间。
In 1953, Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in London's Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 英国女王伊莉莎白二世在伦敦西敏寺受冕,加冕仪式由坎特伯里大主教主持。
In 1954, Julie was cast in The Boy Friend, at The Royale Theater. 1954年,朱丽叶在皇家剧院上演的男友一剧中担任角色。
In 1954, King earned his PhD from Boston University and moved to Montgomery, Alabama, where he accepted a job as pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. 1954年,金获得了波士顿大学的博士学位,之后他迁往阿拉巴马州的蒙哥马利,在那儿他担任了德克斯特街浸信会的牧师一职。

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