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Devastate damage-per-sunder increased to 35.

Deutschland und Russland haben beim Petersburger Dialogin Dresden ihre strategische Partnerschaft bekr?ftigt. überschattet wurde der Dialog vom Mord an der russischen Journalistin Anna Politkowskaja. 在德累斯敦的彼得堡会谈使德国和俄罗斯加强了其战略伙伴关系。但对话因俄罗斯女记者安娜的被杀而黯然失色。
Deutschland. 德国人。
Devaluation should notbe confused with depreciation, which is a fallin the market value of a currency withoutformal adjustment of its exchange rate. 有目的的贬值不同于自发的货币贬值,后者是在汇率未作正式调整的情况下出现的货币市值的下降。
Devaluation: Official lowering by monetaryauthorities of the value of a country's currencyin relationship to the currencies of one or moreother countries. 贬值:指货币发行机构通过官方渠道降低本国货币与其他一种或几种货币的比价。
Devarajan, Rogers, Squire: World Bank Economist's Forum, Volume 1, 2001, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. 《世行经济学家论坛》,第一册,2001,世界银行,华盛顿特区。
Devastate damage-per-sunder increased to 35. 破坏每破甲数量增加的伤害增加到35。
Devastate: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Sunder Armor after it has been refreshed on a target by Devastate. 击毁:击毁刷新的破甲能正确的现实持续时间了。
Devastating reverberations rippled across the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal, as towns were crushed by floodwaters and helpless fishermen were swept out to sea. 地震的振动反射引起印度洋和孟加拉湾破坏性的波涛,使沿海的城镇被洪水所冲垮,无助的渔民被卷入大海。
Devastator support required! 需要大杀伤力部队支援!
Devean George, the last link besides Bryant to the three-championship teams earlier in the decade, is an unrestricted free agent who will not be back unless he takes a pay cut from the $5 million he made this season. 乔治,最后一个和科比一起拿下三连冠的球员,将成为不受限制自由球员,他可能不会回来,除非他愿意降薪(本赛季他年薪500万)。
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