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This is produced from a blend of several Madeira grapes for complexity.

This is probably why most people forgave me for my bad behavior towards people I felt to be of value. 或许正因为如此,尽管我对那些有身份的人任性胡来,他们中大多数人还是原谅了我。
This is probably why songs about love are so popular among the youth. 这也许就是为何爱情歌曲在年轻人中如此流行的原因吧。
This is probably why visual pornography is more popular with men. 这或许就是为什么视觉色情对男性而言更加流行。
This is probably your foremost partner physically and mentally. This union will revel in spending, travel and adventure. Quite an exciting connection. 狮子-射手:无论在生理上还是在精神上,射手座的人一定是你最先考虑的对象。这对组合沉迷于消费、旅行和冒险,是十分令人兴奋的完美拍档。
This is produced for domestic consumption. 这是为国内消费所生产的。
This is produced from a blend of several Madeira grapes for complexity. 这款马德拉是由多种葡萄混酿而成的增加了它的复杂度。
This is progress of a sort, but the authorities' tests have been one-dimensional, excluding all protagonists from the private sector. 这是某种进步,但这些模拟试验都是平面的,没有考虑到关键的私人机构互动。
This is proof from the records based on rules that if you do not guess youcan make large profits on small risks. 这就是你不用猜测,遵守前面的规则以较小的风险而获得巨大利润的证明。
This is provided to protect the measuring element from over speeding when the meter discharges to atmosphere. Also, prevents damage to the backflow preventer due to excessive flow. 当仪表排放到大气时,这种装置保护测量元件不会受到过高流速的破坏。此外,也防止防回流阀受到过大流量的破坏。
This is pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. 27在神与父面前,那清洁没有玷污的虔敬,就是看顾在患难中的孤儿寡妇,保守自己不受世界玷污。
This is pure non-sense, especially if the car in question is used on a daily basis, which probably describes a majority of the population's vehicles. 这简直就是废话,特别是有问题的车每天用的话,可能被说成是车本身的问题。

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