Viewed in the context of Einstein's general theory of relativity, Hubble's law arises because of the uniform expansion of space, which is merely a scaling up of the size of the universe [see top illustration in box on page 65].
以爱因斯坦的广义相对论观之,哈伯定律起因于空间的均匀膨胀,纯粹只是宇宙尺寸的膨胀(详见67页图)。 |
Viewed in their totality, the Buddha's discourses show us that far from being a mere concession to the outlook prevalent in his time or an Asiatic cultural contrivance, the doctrine of rebirth has tremendous implications for the entire course of Dhamma pr
综观佛陀的论述,可见轮回学说远非仅是对他那个时代的流行观念、或者对一种亚洲文化思想的折衷,相反,它对于佛教修持的整个过程意义巨大,既影响著修持的目的,也影响著把修持坚持到底的动机。 |
Viewed overall, however, many problems still exist — the shortage of forested areas, grassland degradation, soil erosion, desertification and difficulties in the protection of rare and endangered species of wild animals and plants.
中国政府从50年代开始组织开展大规模的植树造林,加强了森林资源培育、保护和管理,在合理利用森林资源方面有了较大进展。 |
Viewed through a microscope table salt appears as mass of tiny cubes.
食盐在显微镜下看起来好象是无数小正方体。 |
Viewers are impressed at what they assume are nifty special effects.
观众多对漂亮的“电影特技”印象深刻。 |
Viewers are overloaded with ★mawkish[26] pictures that the curators call “Gothic gloomth”, borrowing a phrase from Horace Walpole.
众多索然无味的绘画充斥着观众的视野,美术馆长们引用贺瑞斯?沃波尔的一条成语,把这些画称作“哥特式晦暗”。 |
Viewers can also expect to see some real-life cases such as child abuse, teenage prostitution, sexual abuse, child labor etc.
以积极乐观、充满信心的生活态度去面对社会的丑陋及人性的阴暗面,注入温情与爱心于人间。 |
Viewers can learn about the latest information on Asia in a very short time.
本栏目以节奏明快,信息量大的特点,使观众较短的时间内对亚洲的重大事件一览无余。 |
Viewers can unwind on the weekends with NEWS CLUB, a vibrant half-hour news programme that features infotainment and lifestyle news in addition to local and international news updates.
半小时的周末新闻俱乐部,为大家以较活泼的方式报道最新的本地与国际消息,也介绍新世代的潮流动向、活力动感的生活方式,为严肃的新闻带进一丝轻松,让大家资讯、潮流与品味兼具。 |
Viewers consumed almost 200 calories more when snacking from a large bucket, as opposed to when given a medium-size container.
而且,在吃大桶的爆米花时,人们会比吃中桶时多摄取近200卡路里的热量。 |
Viewers could smell popcorn and hot dogs, and they could smell and feel the turf.
电视观众能闻到爆米花和热狗的香味,他们还可以嗅到赛场的草皮的幽香。 |