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From the children's story “Cinderella” where the woman's foot which fit in the glass slipper became a princess.

From the characteristices of convertible bond, this passage analysed the factors of convertible bond and the comstitute of value, compared the pure bond and the common stock, then analysed its advantage and disadvantage. 摘要本文从可转换公司债券的特征出发,对可转换公司债券的要素、价值构成进行分析,与纯粹债券和普通股进行比较,分析其优劣。
From the characteristics and advantages of university continuing education and the basic social reality of diversified needs for social continuing education, this paper discusses the scientific position of continuing education run by universities with a f 摘要从大学继续教育特点、优势,社会继续教育需求多样化的基本社会现实,讨论大学继续教育办学的科学定位,重点阐述了大学继续教育差异化办学的基本思想和实现途径。
From the characteristics of Russia transition and the identity crisis which private higher education suffered, such a linkage of attachment maybe the necessary condition for identification and survival for private higher education. 从俄罗斯转型的特点以及私立高等教育所遭受的认同性危机来看,私立高等教育机构与各种公立组织的依附关系,可能是俄罗斯私立高等教育获得认同以及生存发展的必要条件。
From the chart, most of the teachers do not spend much money on their sports activity. 但除非需要特殊及专业的协助,就像瑜珈。
From the children's point of view, the task which challenges them most is simply growing up. 从孩子的角度,最严峻的问题是他们在一天天长大。
From the children's story “Cinderella” where the woman's foot which fit in the glass slipper became a princess. 来自童话故事“灰姑娘”谁要是能穿上玻璃鞋就能成为公主。
From the cities on that day the sons of Benjamin were numbered, 26, 000 men who draw the sword, besides the inhabitants of Gibeah who were numbered, 700 choice men. 士20:15那时便雅悯人、从各城里点出拿刀的、共有二万六千.另外还有基比亚人点出七百精兵。
From the class of 2000, at the year 2001, Guangxi University of Technology begin to take the course of college chinese as an important measure to strengthen the education on the students of engineering science. 广西工学院亦从2001年秋季起,从2000级学生开始,把开设大学语文限选课作为对工科生加强文化素质教育的重要举措,对四个年级的学生进行了三年多大学语文水平测试教改尝试。
From the classics psychoanalytic to postmodernism psychotherapy, every psychotherapy pattern contains a unique psychological metaphor. 摘要从经典精神分析到后现代主义心理治疗,每一个心理治疗模式都蕴涵着一个独特的心理隐喻。
From the client's point of view, each text entry is represented by an IM context, which communicates with the IM module after every key press event by calling a key filter function provided by the module. 在客户程序看来,每一个输入的文本都是由输入法上下文来表示的,后者在每次击键事件之后调用模块提供的键过滤函数。
From the comparison among the results, it can be concluded that the structural overall stability analysis is necessary, and the initial defects, geometrical nonlinearities and material nonlinearities, which have important effects on the structural stabili 对这些结果的比较可知,结构的整体稳定分析是必要的,结构的初始缺陷、几何非线性、材料非线性对结构整体稳定的影响很大,分析时不宜忽略。

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