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I looked toward the tracks.

I looked round for my friends, but I could see nobody. 我四处张望寻视我的伙伴,但却看不到一个人。
I looked round me in astonishment. 我惊愕地环视四周。
I looked through Augustine's keyhole, and I saw her standing at the mirror with something shiny. 我从奥古斯汀的钥匙洞上看见她正站在镜子前面,有个金光闪闪的东西。
I looked to Aragorn for solace and the light in his eyes was my shield. 我望着阿拉贡,从他那里寻求安慰,他眼睛里光芒就是我的保护伞。
I looked to the west and caught a break in the clouds. There was hope! 我向西边瞧,看见云散开了一些,有希望了!
I looked toward the tracks. 我向轨道看。
I looked up again at the moon and saw that the eclipse was beginning! 我在一次注视月亮然后看著月蚀即将开始!
I looked up and saw him. 我抬起来看见了他。
I looked up and there it was, about a metre away, settled o one of the big scarlet flowers. 我抬头一看,那只美丽的蝴蝶,距我大约只有一米之遥,驻足在一朵巨大的猩红色花上。
I looked up into the sky and saw the kite become smaller and smaller. 我遥望天空,只见风筝越来越小。
I looked up through the smoke of my cigarette and my eye lodged for a moment upon the burning coals, and that old fancy of the crimson flag flapping from the castle tower came into my mind, and I thought of the cavalcade of red knights riding up the side 我透过香烟的烟雾望过去,眼光在火红的炭块上停留了一下,过去关于在城堡塔楼上飘扬着一面鲜红的旗帜的幻觉又浮现在我脑际,我想到无数红色骑士潮水般地骑马跃上黑色岩壁的侧坡。

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