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Nothing is sacred to these wild youths.

Nothing is perfect in life and it would be bloody boring if it was. 生活中没有十全十美的事,即使有,那也将会是特别乏味的。
Nothing is perfect,just want no regrets in my life. 岂能尽如人意,但求无愧我心。
Nothing is pure anymore but solitude. 除了孤独,一切都已不再纯洁了。。。
Nothing is rehearsed about me. 我没有事先的演练。
Nothing is right or wrong. 任何事情都无谓对或错。
Nothing is sacred to these wild youths. 这些狂野的年轻人什么都不尊重。
Nothing is said about the employer who grows old before his time in a vain attempt to get frowsy never-do-wells to do intelligent work; and his long, patient string after “help” that does nothing but loaf when his back is turned. 但从没有人提到,那些老板直到年老,都无法使那些不求上进的懒虫勤奋起来,也没有人提到,那些老板长久而耐心地努力感动那些他一转身就投机取巧、敷衍了事的员工,尽管结果常常是徒劳的。
Nothing is so easy as this. 没有比这更容易的事了。
Nothing is so fallacious as fact, except figures. 除了数字外,没有一样东西是像事实那样靠不住的。
Nothing is so fatal to religion as indifference. 对宗教来说,没有东西比漠不关心更致命了。
Nothing is so important as health in our life. 在我们生活中,没有什么比健康更重要的了。

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