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The incubation period, which is the time from exposure to a causative agent to onset of disease, is particularly important as it forms the basis for many recommended control measures, including contact tracing and the duration of home isolation for contac

The incredible summer heat and humidity made us all feel languid. 夏天超乎想像的热气与湿度让大家都觉得无精打采。
The increment of periodontium stress was not proportional to the horizontal alveolar loss. 牙周膜的应力随牙槽骨高度的降低呈非等比增加。
The increment of profit in the latter circumstance depends on the labor union's care to laid-off employees. 惟若劳动数量一并裁减,则消费者剩馀减少,企业利润是否进一步增加,视劳方对被解雇者的关注程度。
The incubation period can vary from one case to another according to the route by which the person was exposed, the dose of virus received, and other factors, including immune status. 根据个人暴露于疾病的途经,感染病毒的剂量和包括免疫状况的其他因素的不同,潜伏期将不同。
The incubation period typically ranges from 2-7 days, but can last up to 10 days. 答:潜伏期一般为2至7日,但可长达10日。
The incubation period, which is the time from exposure to a causative agent to onset of disease, is particularly important as it forms the basis for many recommended control measures, including contact tracing and the duration of home isolation for contac 潜伏期,即从接触致病体到开始发病的时间,因它形成许多推荐的控制措施而特别重要,包括跟踪接触史和对SARS疑似病例的接触者的家庭隔离时间。
The incumbent is responsible for all aspects of human resources for plant. 负责工厂所有人力资源和行政事务。
The incumbent must be able to demonstrate Objective Analytical Power, and be numerically literate. 该职位必须证明有目标分析能力和数字演示能力。
The incumbent will directly report to credit control supervisor. 此职位直接向信用控制主管汇报。
The incumbent will directly report to station Sales Manager. 此职位直接向分公司销售经理汇报。
The incumbent will report to the Plant Director, and have under his/her charge the Technical Office and Maintenance Workshop. 应聘者将向工厂负责人汇报,并管理下属的技术办公室和维护部门。

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