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Also, further government tightening could decelerate the current outflow of bank liquidity into equity markets.

Also, family members need to gather in one area and spend more time together. 还有就是家庭成员应该一起度过更多的时间。
Also, files that were queued before the activation would not be moved ahead unless the uploader closes the client and restarts it later on. 同时,在特权被激活之前排队的文件不会被放置在前方直到上传者关闭客户端并重新启动它。
Also, first-order predicate calculus isn't good enough anyway. 同时,从各方面来说,一阶谓词演算都不是足够好。
Also, following the digital processing of these logs, the optimal discrimination functions for determination of different types of bioherm reservoirs are presented by means of optimal partition, cluster and regression methods. 利用岩心和测井数据总结了生物礁各种类型的测井响应,提出了适合柴西地区生物礁储集层的测井曲线特徵。
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. 同时,为了保护作者与我们(按:指自由软体基金会),我们希望确定每个人都明了,自由软体是没有担保责任的。
Also, further government tightening could decelerate the current outflow of bank liquidity into equity markets. 同时,政府进一步实施紧缩政策也会减缓目前银行资金流入股票市场的势头。
Also, get a siteup where you can collect emails from folks who are interested. 同样,建立一个网站,好让你可以从那些感兴趣的人那里收集电子邮件。
Also, given the ease with which information is now disseminated,3 valuable meeting time can be saved by forwarding participants all relevant information prior to the meeting. 再者,鉴于现在信息传播是如此便利,会议之前就把所有相关信息先发给与会者,将可以节省宝贵的会议时间。
Also, given the portability of such plans and the fact that a typical employee works with a number of different employers during a career, defined contribution plans may represent a “win-win” situation for employers-employees seem to like being in charge 另外,鉴于该计划的可移植性和这样一个事实(一个典型雇主在职业生涯中会与众多不同雇员共事),因此界定供款计划对雇主-雇员可能是一个双赢的局面,他们似乎就像是掌管自己退休基金并且雇主不用再承担与计划资产投资回报欠佳相关的潜在负担.
Also, growth appears distinctly patchy when looked at industry by industry. 而且,按照行业进行分析,增长表现出明显的不协调。
Also, he could read the Latin alphabet correctly. 除此,他还知道有时候大麻用来减轻疼痛。

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