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She was asked to wait on table because the kitchen was short of help.

She was arrested for pushing heroin . 她因贩卖海洛英而被捕.
She was arrested for pushing heroin. 她因贩卖海洛英而被捕.
She was as exciting and eccentric in her personal life as in her dance. 她的舞就像她自己的生活一样,体现着激情和执着。
She was as forthright and simple as the winds that blew over Tara and the yellow river that wound about it, and to the end of her days she would never be able to understand a complexity. 她像吹过塔拉庄园的风和流过塔拉庄园的河一样直率和单纯,即使到了生命的尽头她也不能理解复杂。
She was asked to identify the criminal. 她被要求要认出那个罪犯。
She was asked to wait on table because the kitchen was short of help. 由于厨房人手不够,她被叫去端菜送饭。
She was assailed by doubts. 她感到疑虑重重。
She was assigned an important mission. 她分配到一个重要任务。
She was assigned to the library. 她被指派到图书馆工作。
She was assisted in the management of her vast property by her son-in-law Mathur Mohan. 她被女婿马图尔巴乌任命去协助管理巨大的财富。
She was assured a well-paid job after graduation. 有人保证她毕业后有一份待遇优厚的工作。

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