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The dog's leash dragged on the sidewalk.

The dog's ear pricked up at the sound. 狗听到声音后竖起了耳朵。
The dog's ears were so infected he couldn't hear. His coat was so matted he had to be shaved. And Dirk's Fund paid to have some cysts removed. 当时这条狗的双耳已经由于严重感染而丧失了听力。而它身上的毛则呈现严重卷曲缠结的状态以至于人们不得不将其全部剃掉。同时德克基金会还出资切除了库乔身上的几处囊肿。
The dog's fur bristled as it sensed danger. 那狗觉察到危险时, 毛都竖立起来了.
The dog's fur was matted with blood. 那只狗的毛皮上沾有血迹。
The dog's hair bristled up at sight of the stranger. 狗一看到陌生人毛就竖了起来。
The dog's leash dragged on the sidewalk. 在人行道上拴着皮带的狗
The dog's nose twitched as it smelt the meat. 那狗一闻到肉味,鼻子直抽动.
The dog's nose twitched as it smelt the meat. 那狗一闻到肉味, 鼻子直抽动.
The dog's nose twitches when it smells the smell of meat. 这种“狗鼻子”的“抽动”,显然大家都习以为常了。,不是说大家的鼻子。。。
The dog's nostrils quivered at the scent. 嗅得那味儿,狗的鼻翼微微抖动着。
The dog's tail wagged. 那只狗的尾巴摇摆着。

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