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Methods The medical data of the OSAHS patients in the Sleep Center of the Duchess Kent Children′s Habilitation Institute from May 999 to May 00 were retrospectively reviewed.
方法回顾性总结香港大学附属根德夫人儿童医院睡眠中心999年月至00 年月的儿童OSAHS病例资料。

Methods The SV0 promoter of plasmid pSTK was replaced with the .0kb segment of ALBTRS sequence which cut out from plasmid p A-. The constructed vector was named LN. 方法用p A-中的一段.0kb的人白蛋白组织特异性转录调节序列(ALBTRS)取代pSTK中的SV0启动子,所构建的载体命名为LN.
Methods The anti tussive,anti asthmatic and expectorant effects were observed by concentrated ammonia method in mice,spray method in cavies and capillary method in mice. 方法 :通过浓氨水喷雾实验、二氧化硫刺激法、毛细玻管法、喷雾致喘法、蛋清性足肿胀法以及测量免疫器官重量等实验 ,观察川贝枇杷膏在止咳、化痰、平喘、抗炎及免疫方面的药效。
Methods The baggy lower eyelids were corrected by overlapping suture of orbital septum with tighten and shorten skin - muscle flap, and this new method ( Group A) was compared with traditional method Group(B) . 方法 用重叠缝合眶隔和肌皮瓣提拉缩短的方法加固眶隔。 将同期行下睑眼袋矫正术的7例根据术式不同分为两组:A组采用改进的新方法,B组仍用传统方法,比较术后两组并发症的发生率及复发率。
Methods The clinical data of patients with tensive pneumocrania that diagnosed andtreated in our hospital from July 99 to Jun 00 were analyzed retrospectively. 方法对99年7月~00年月我院收治的 例张力性气颅患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。
Methods The level of neonatal phenylalanine on the dried blood spotcollected on the filter paper was determined by Guthrie bacteria inhibition assay(BIA),with a cutoff of 0umol/L. 方法采用Guthrie’s细菌抑制法(BIA)测定新生儿滤纸干血片中的苯丙氨酸(Phe)含量,筛查切值为0umol/L。
Methods The medical data of the OSAHS patients in the Sleep Center of the Duchess Kent Children′s Habilitation Institute from May 999 to May 00 were retrospectively reviewed. 方法回顾性总结香港大学附属根德夫人儿童医院睡眠中心999年月至00 年月的儿童OSAHS病例资料。
Methods The migrant workers aged 8~0 in one east city were chosen by stratified random sampling,and surveyed by a questionnaire about knowledge,behavior of AIDS,and blooded to test HIV antibody. 方法采用分层随机抽样的方法,对东部沿海某市8~0岁外来务工人员进行问卷调查,收集艾滋病知识和行为的信息,并采集静脉血进行艾滋病病毒抗体检测。
Methods The model of acute alcoholism was established by drinking ° Hongxing Eeguotou drink. The ebriety rate, ebriety time, activity of SOD and the content of MDA in brain issue were observed. 方法采用度红星二锅头酒灌胃建立急性酒精中毒小鼠模型,以葛花解酲汤为对照,观察酒速愈对急性酒精中毒小鼠醉酒时间、醉酒率以及脑组织SOD活性、MDA含量的影响。
Methods The model of hemorrhagic shock was replicated by blood letting and maintaining mean arterial pressure at 0 mm Hg( mm Hg=0. kPa)for hours. 方法经股动脉放血使平均动脉压维持在0mmHg(mmHg=0. kPa)h制备失血性休克大鼠模型。
Methods The mouldflora were detected by Czapek agar plate method. 方法用蔡氏琼脂子板法测定霉菌污染率和侵染率。
Methods The patients were randomly divided into three groups, excision of Müller'muscle, lengthening of the levator muscle and Müller'muscle, levator muscle marginal myotomy were carried in group Ⅰ( eyes), group Ⅱ( eyes)and group Ⅲ( eyes) respectively. 方法 将患者随机分为三组,其中组Ⅰ( 眼)采用Müller肌切除术、组Ⅱ(眼)采用提上睑肌-Müller肌延长术、组Ⅲ(眼) 采用提上睑肌肌缘切开术矫正退缩的上睑。

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