Hence the decision of Britain's biggest medical-research charity to put together the consortium that has just reported.
因此,英国最大的医学研究慈善机构决定进一步将上述协会的各种构想进行归纳总结。 |
Hence the description of america as a graveyardfor languages.
因此,美国被喻为语言的坟墓。 |
Hence the diverse preferences for toys.
因而才有了对玩具的不同偏好。 |
Hence the emergence of the kiss, click and tellgirl.
在英国有所谓的「亲一个、拍下来、说出去」的女孩,把名人搞得焦头烂额。 |
Hence the explosive bravado of last October: with other bombs in stock, he felt he could afford to test one, and threaten to test more.
去年十月份朝鲜声称进行了核试验:他感到他可以利用库存中的另外几枚核弹试验一枚并且威胁要试验更多枚。 |
Hence the fact that classical painting spoke—and spoke constantly—while constituting itself entirely outside language; hence the fact that it rested silently in a discursive space; hence the fact that it provided, beneath itself, a kind of common ground w
因此事实上古典绘画也在言说——直接地言说——而它自身的构成却完全外在于语言;因此事实上它就安静地伫息于一个叙述性的空间内;因此事实上它俯身劳作,独自准备着一种能重建符号与形象之边界的公共空间。 |
Hence the fad for “teaching aids” such as videos and flashcards for newborns, and “whale sounds” on tape which a pregnant mother can strap to her belly.
因此,父母喜欢给初生的婴儿观看录像和闪卡,或把磁带贴在孕妇的肚子上对孩子进行“胎教”。 |
Hence the failure to intervene, or the slowness in intervening, as countless conflicts and cruelties slip by: the long years of apartheid in South Africa; the Rwandan genocide; the Indian-Pakistani dispute over Kashmir; the unending fighting between Israe
当不计其数的冲突和残酷的屠杀出现时,干预或失败或迟钝:南非多年的种族隔离,卢旺达种族大屠杀;印度和巴基斯坦在克什米尔上的争端;无休止的巴以争端;达尔富尔的大屠杀;北朝鲜的大蒲洞和北朝鲜与伊朗将要获得的核武器。 |
Hence the good and beautiful Cinderella lives a happy life with the handsome prince. The evil-minded stepmother and her two elder sitsters all deserved a worse fate.
善良美丽的灰姑娘和英俊的王子从此过上了幸福生活。恶毒的继母和两个姐姐都没有好下场。 |
Hence the government's recent announcement that it was in new talks with two big European car groups, Volkswagen and PSA Peugeot Citro?n, with a view to selling part or all of its stake to one of them or forming some kind of strategic alliance.
因此最近政府宣布他们已经与两大欧洲汽车集团-大众和标致进行了新的谈判,旨在出售它部分股份给他们其中之一或与之达成某种战略性同盟。 |
Hence the hen cries whenever it sees a chicken.
从此每当那只母鸡看见小鸡时就叫. |