Riders must obey traffic signals,ride on the right,and never cross the center double white line.Instructions from uniformed traffic pllice must be obey immediately. |
中文意思: 运动员必须遵守赛区的交通规则,靠右骑行,不得超过道路中间的双白线。如现场有交警,必须遵守其指示。 |
Riddle:How in the hell do you loose a five hundred pound fish?
瑞多:你究竟是怎么把一条500磅重的鱼弄丢的? |
Ride on a swing and up, you swing to a world with dreams and ideals.
搭乘梦的秋千,飘啊,向上飘,飘到有梦有理想的国度。 |
Ride on the running horse, Hold onto the rein, not let go,Journey is endless,Cheer up, don't lose heart,However rough the road ahead,We will go ahead.
骑上轻快的走马,拉紧缰绳不能放松,征途漫漫无尽头,鼓起精神不能气馁,路途遥远多坎坷,勇往直前不回头。 |
Ride the train to the ventilation shaft.
乘火车到达通风井找到柱状物体。 |
Ride to Shattrath (easily doable at 60) to set your Hearthstone and grab the flight path.
如果你不想依赖法师,那就把你的炉石放在暴风城。 |
Riders must obey traffic signals,ride on the right,and never cross the center double white line.Instructions from uniformed traffic pllice must be obey immediately.
运动员必须遵守赛区的交通规则,靠右骑行,不得超过道路中间的双白线。如现场有交警,必须遵守其指示。 |
Riders need a good sense of balance.
骑车的人必须善于保持平衡. |
Riders need a good sense of balance.
骑车的人必须善 於保持平衡. |
Ridges or pleats produced in this manner.
褶皱用这种方式而形成的褶皱 |
Ridiculous ! Men wear women's clothes.
真荒谬!男人穿女人的衣服。 |
Ridiculous as it seems, the story is true.
这个故事看似荒唐,但却是真的。 |