Today, along with informational and knowledge society goes in depth and development, software has been applied in all fields and every walk of life.
摘要随著社会信息化和知识化的不断深入和发展,目前软件已经在社会的各个领域和各行各业得到广泛的应用和普及。 |
Today, although production is booming, the province's revenue from royalties is actually falling, as oil firms take advantage of that and other tax breaks.
今天,很多石油公司利用这一规定和其他的税收优惠减少纳税,使得艾伯塔省从矿区使用费中取得的收入在石油产量不断增加的背景下实际上却在下降。 |
Today, an investor in Europe could not tell from reading a company's financial report whether it is using full-blown IFRS or the EU version.
目前,一个欧洲的投资者仅通过阅读财务报告,是不足以区分公司究竟使用的是IFRS的全本还是欧盟版本。 |
Today, an old lady in her 70s is bring out over 10,000 negatives from her dust-covered suitcase, and sorting them quietly.
今天,一个叫晓庄的七旬老人从她的布满灰尘的箱子里拿出她保存着的上万张底片,静静地整理着。 |
Today, any Japanese schoolchild will tell you that kyushoku (school lunch) is the best part of their education.
如今,任何日本学生都会告诉你,学校午餐是其教育的最佳组成部分之一。 |
Today, any music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl is called western or country music.
今天,凡是反映乡村生活和乡村男女爱情的任何音乐形式都被称为西部或者乡村音乐。 |
Today, as the economic globalization continues, no influential international o`rganization will be complete o`r representative with broad base if keeping China as an outsider of it.
在经济全球化不断发展的今天,任何有影响的国际组织如果没有中国的参与都是不完整的,不具有广泛的代表性。 |
Today, athletics remai one of the most popular Olympic orts.
田径运动发展到今天,仍是奥运会上最受欢迎的比赛项目之一。 |
Today, athletics remains one of the most popular Olympic sports.
田径运动发展到今天,仍是奥运会上最受欢迎的比赛项目之一。 |
Today, bamboo is no longer just an Asian favorite.
今天,竹子不再是亚洲人的宠爱之物。 |
Today, because the world acted with courage and moral clarity, those nations are free, and their athletes are competing in the Olympic Games.
今天,由于这个世界表现出勇气和是非分明的态度,使这两个国家获得了自由,其运动员得以参加奥运比赛。 |