Heightened exposure to estrogen is thought to stimulate breast cancer cell division, intensifiying the risk of maligant transformation.
接触过量的雌激素相信会刺激癌细胞分裂,增加肿瘤恶性病变的机会。 |
Heikki, how did your race go?
你的比赛怎么样? |
Heilongjiang Provincial General Company for Transportation Agent of International Commodity and the enterprises subordinated to it sticks to the business conception Cargo owner supreme,prestige first,reasonable fee collection and high quality serviceto pr
黑龙江省国际货物运输代理总公司暨所属企业,坚持以“货主至上、信誉第一、合理收费、优质服务”的经营思想,为委托方提供优质、高效的服务。 |
Heilongjiang kunlun Hotel is an international deluxe four stars hotel.located in the city center.
黑龙江昆仑大酒店是一座具有国际水准的四星级豪华酒店。 |
Heiner Muller's collage drama stems not only from the need of renovation in dramatic forms, but also from an artistic endeavor to reflect post-modern society.
米勒的拼贴剧创作既源于戏剧形式革新的需要,同时也是后现代社会的艺术反映。 |
Heini and his mother have been kept in a separate enclosure for Heini's safety.
为了海尼的安全,动物园不得不将海尼和它妈妈与其它犀牛隔离。 |
Heini recovers in his stall after the operation.
手术后,海尼在自己的房间里苏醒过来。 |
Heini was born in the Serengeti Park safari park in Hodenhagen near Hamburg in August 2006. He was blind from birth and relied on his mother for orientation.
小犀牛海尼于2006年8月出生在德国汉堡附近的塞伦盖蒂野生动物园。不幸的是,海尼一出生就患有先天性白内障,仅能依靠妈妈来辨别方向。 |
Heini was operated on Wednesday in what vets say is the world's first eye operation on a rhino.
近日,兽医为海尼进行了摘除白内障手术,这头小犀牛也因此成为全球第一头接受眼科手术的犀牛。 |
Heini's mother was allowed to wait in the stall next to the improvised operating theater. She was given a sedative to calm her nerves.
当海尼在动物园搭建的临时手术室内接受手术时,它的妈妈就被关在隔壁的房间里。动物管理员为海尼妈妈打了镇静剂,以免它在儿子手术期间情绪激动。 |
Heinz discovered his survival skill of talking and reasoning with others. It was a major turning point that changed his life-and later changed the world.
汉斯发现自己具有与别人交谈和沟通的生存技巧。这事成了改变他生活的转折点,此后,这又改变了世界。 |