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At present, the population aging in our country is serious, the working population ratio is also dropping unceasingly, which explained that there is a very big development space and a huge development potential for the insurance in our country , our count

At present, the murals have been uncovered at 21 places, with a total area of about 41 square meters. 目前,已有21处的壁画被揭开,面积约41平方米。
At present, the name right of colleges and universities is protected according to China's general rule of the civil law. 摘要目前,国内高校校名主要依据《中华人民共和国民法通则》享有名称权保护。
At present, the new group grows with each passing hour, ambitious, quicken the steps of developing, strives to realize being tertiary and up to standard in Celebration on the 60th Anniversary of this year, making the development of the school enter a new 目前,新班子与时俱进,雄心勃勃,加快发展步伐,力争在今年60周年校庆时实现三级达标,使学校的发展进入一个新时期。
At present, the one who could afford car will not think over the congestion fee, there are many expensive fee than congestion fee. 这年头,养得起车的人都不会考虑什么拥挤费的,比拥挤费贵的费用有的是。
At present, the only way to disarm Hizbullah is therefore in the context of an agreement Hizbullah itself can be made to accept. 目前,唯一能使真主党解除武装的途径就是与真主党达成一个它能接受的协议。
At present, the population aging in our country is serious, the working population ratio is also dropping unceasingly, which explained that there is a very big development space and a huge development potential for the insurance in our country , our count 目前,我国人口老龄化严重,劳动人口比率也在不断下降,这说明保险在我国有很大的发展空间和巨大的发展潜力,我国的保险市场为世界所看好。
At present, the research concentrates on its theoretical content and application, and become mature in the debate of practical aestheticism and post-aestheticism. 目前这一研究主要围绕它的理论内涵及其运用展开,并在实践美学与后实践美学的论争中走向成熟。
At present, the root of crisis of school moral education is that it's Out of the true-life. 摘要当前学校道德教育危机的根源就是脱离了现实生活世界。
At present, the situation of the world showing great turning, advanced science and technology is developing quite rapidly, the process of economic globalization is speeding up, the competition of aggregate national strength become fiercer, politics show t 当前,世界形势出现了大转折,高科技迅猛发展,经济全球化进程不断加快,综合国力竞争日益激烈,政治格局也出现多极化趋势。
At present, the sole laboratory test for identification of this form of viral hepatitis is the hepatitis C antibody test. 目前,诊断该型病毒性肝炎的唯一实验室检查为丙肝抗体实验。
At present, the south wild goose has about 173.333 field that is mainly standardized with white leaf, modernized tea processing factory has been built up. 目前,雁南飞已种植白叶单丛为主的标准化茶田2600亩,建起了现代化的茶叶加工厂。

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