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Based on the equal strain consolidation model of sand drain, and neglecting the well resistance and the vertical drainage consolidation, a layered model for the nonlinear consolidation of sand drain, which accounts for the geostatic pressure varying along

Based on the engineering experience in Guangzhou metro line 1 and line 2, the schemes of mobile communication system switches in various conditions are discussed, including switching between plots in the tunnels, between upper floor and lower floor in the 摘要结合广州地铁1、2号线工程经验,对地铁移动通信系统的各种条件下的切换方案设计进行探讨,包括隧道间小区切换、换乘站的上下层切换、站内和站外切换、隧道和地面切换等。
Based on the engineering practice of the WaiHuan Station in Shanghai Urban Mass Transit Line 9, this paper analyses the structure form of the deep foundation pit and the key-nodes design by using the top-down invert method, so as to optimize the engineeri 摘要以上海轨道交通9号线外环路站为实例,介绍了部分逆筑法施工的地铁车站深墓坑围护结构形式,及其结构设计;着重介绍了基坑围护结构的计算模型设定、基坑稳定性计算,及围护结构的基础施工步骤。
Based on the engineering practice of the side slope excavation of Dayanchi section within the road for the construction traffic of Guandi Hydropower Station, the problems such as the selection of blasthole distance for presplit blasting, and the rock ridg 摘要通过官地水电站对外交通公路大盐池合同段边坡开挖中预裂爆破的工程实践,对预裂爆破的孔距选择及下部严重出现岩坎、预裂面平整度、预裂爆破后辅助孔成孔率低、预裂与爆破区爆破网络以及预裂孔角度变化等问题进行分析,提出了具体的解决方法。
Based on the ensemble learning method, the outliers are learned and deleted from the training corpus. 本研究采用基于系综学习的野点学习方法剔除网页中的噪声样本,有效地提高了文本分类的性能。
Based on the enterprise philosophy of taking quality as the life line,this plant has built the standard production building according to GMP,optimized the arrangement of flow process in production workshop and adopted stateof-the-art equipment to improve 本着“以质量为生命”的企业理念,企业按照符合GMP建造标准厂房,优化生产车间的流程布局,采用先进设备,提高现代化生产工艺,保证饮片质量。
Based on the equal strain consolidation model of sand drain, and neglecting the well resistance and the vertical drainage consolidation, a layered model for the nonlinear consolidation of sand drain, which accounts for the geostatic pressure varying along 摘要基于砂井等应变固结模型,考虑初始有效应力沿深度变化,忽略井阻和竖向排水固结的影响,应用平均孔隙比与平均有效应力的对数关系,建立砂井非线性径向排水固结的分层计算模型,并求得常荷载作用下的径向排水固结解析解。
Based on the equivalent continuum model and the characteristics of FEM utilized, the method of latent complex-material element was firstly introduced to simulate the faultage. 在拟连续介质模型的基础上,充分利用有限元法的特点,首次提出用隐式复合材料单元法对主要断层进行模拟。
Based on the error theory of point measurement are the identifying of the error range set , sketch of the error ellipse, analysis on displacement of the monitoring sites and error detection, providing a fundamental theory infrastructure for dynamic assess 根据点位测量的误差理论,确定定误差值域范围,绘出误差椭圆;对各监测点进行位移与误差判别分析,为地表位移动态分析和灰色预测提供理论基础。
Based on the essential elucidation on their respective thixotropic mechanisms, with the help of the rheogeniometer, the tests of the two representative fiber filling gels' rheological properties including thixotropy and yield stress were carried out. 文章在阐明它们各自增稠触变性机理的基础上,采用流变仪检测了两种有代表性的光纤油膏的流变学性能,其中包括触变性和屈服应力。
Based on the established methodology, we test the momentum effect in bull market (from June, 1997 to June, 2001) and in bear market (from June, 2001 to June, 2005) respectively on weekly basis in the article. 摘要在参考国外研究方法的基础上,以周作为检验周期,将1997年6月至2001年6月的股市作为牛市,2001年6月至2005年6月的股市作为熊市,然后分别检验股市在这两个不同时期的动量效应。
Based on the esthetic textual analysis of Persona, filmed by Swedish director Ingmar Bergman, this article discusses the philosophic and esthetic relationship lying in human beings' language and silence, and then discusses the ontological significance tha 摘要通过对瑞典导演伯格曼的电影《假面》所进行的电影美学方面的文本分析,探讨存在于人类的言语与沉默之间的哲学与美学关系,并进而探讨电影作为一种语言的形式的本体论意义。

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