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In cases of serious violation, business licenses may be revoked in addition and suspension of business operations be ordered.

In cases of leprous diseases be very careful to do exactly as the priests, who are Levites, instruct you. You must follow carefully what I have commanded them. 8在大痲疯的灾病上、你们要谨慎、照祭司利未人一切所指教你们的、留意遵行、我怎样吩咐他们、你们要怎样遵行。
In cases of losses caused by a breach of contract, the financial responsibility shall be borne by the party that has breached the contract. 如果因违反合同而造成损失的,应由违反合同的一方承担经济责任。
In cases of losses caused by a breach of contract, the financial responsibility shall be borne by the party that has violated the contract. 如果因违反合同而造成损失的,应由违反合同的一方承担经济责任。
In cases of losses caused by deception through the intentional provision of outdated equipment or technology, compensation shall be paid for such losses. 如果有意以落后的技术和设备进行欺骗,造成损失的,应赔偿损失。
In cases of non-acceptance or non-payment of the bill, the endorser shall compensate the bearer with the sum and expenses as stipulated in Articles 70 and 71 of this Law. 背书人在汇票得不到承兑或者付款时,应当向持票人清偿本法第七十条、第七十一条规定的金额和费用。
In cases of serious violation, business licenses may be revoked in addition and suspension of business operations be ordered. 情节严重的,可并处以吊销营业执照、责令停业。
In cases of serious violation, fines shall be imposed or even supplies suspended. 情节严重的,处以罚款直至停止供应。
In cases of serious violation, the administrative department for industry and commerce may impose fines in addition, or simply confiscate the gold and silver in question. 情节严重的,工商行政管理机关可并处以罚款,或者单处以没收。
In cases of serious violation, the administrative department for industry and commerce may impose fines or confiscate the gold and silver in question. 情节严重的,由工商行政管理机关处以罚款或者没收。
In cases of the passenger being unable to ride on the train of the number and on the date stated on the passenger's ticket owing to the liability of the railway transport enterprise, the said enterprise shall, as requested by the passenger, refund the tot 因铁路运输企业的责任造成旅客不能按车票载明的日期、车次乘车的,铁路运输企业应当按照旅客的要求,退还全部票款或者安排改乘到达相同目的站的其他列车。
In cases of transfer, conversion into shares after pricing, or being used as conditions for equity or cooperative joint ventures for forestation and operation of trees in line with the previous paragraph, the forest tree cutting license already obtained m 依照前款规定转让、作价入股或者作为合资、合作造林、经营林木的出资、合作条件的,已经取得的林木采伐许可证可以同时转让,同时转让双方都必须遵守本法关于森林、林木采伐和更新造林的规定。

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