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Therefore, no foreign private enterprises are allowed to engage in the business of postal communication and express delivery of documents.

Therefore, my school decision to the original campus net promotion and the transformation, carries on the modern campus network construction, through use modernization technical equipment and network software resources, renewal education idea, change trad 为此,我校决定对原来的校园网升级和改造,进行现代校园网络建设,通过使用现代化的技术设备及网络软件资源,更新教育观念,改变传统的教育教学模式和学习方式,从而最大限度地提高教学管理水平和教学质量。
Therefore, never install in concealed locations. 因此,绝对不要安装在隐蔽的位置。
Therefore, new developments in IT have profound consequences not only for the dissemination of political information, but also for the evolving structure of society. 因此,信息技术的新发展不仅对政治信息的传播,而且对社会的进化结构具有深远的影响。
Therefore, newer immunosuppressive agents such as mycophenolate mofetil and sirolimus (Rapa) have raised the possibility of withdrawing or avoiding CNIs altogether. 因此,新的免疫抑制剂如:麦考酚酸吗乙酯和西罗莫司(雷帕霉素)的使用使CNI撤退或避免其使用的可行性上升。
Therefore, nitrogen efficiency for growth of both straw and grains is depended upon its optimum supply at the different growth stage. 所以,茎杆和籽粒生长的氮效率视其不同生育期适宜供应量而定。
Therefore, no foreign private enterprises are allowed to engage in the business of postal communication and express delivery of documents. 因此,不能允许国外任何私人企业在我国经营邮政通信和速递文件业务。
Therefore, no imagination, and take what you see as true! 所以,不必想象,眼见为实!
Therefore, no matter what might happen, please continue resolutely leading the way to victory, encouraging everyone and helping them in advance with hope and in high spirits. 因此,无论有什麽事,都要不断鼓励大家,使大家明朗、精神奕奕,掌握断然胜利的指挥。
Therefore, no reference to the use of this practice shall be made unless accompanied by a report prepared according to Section 10 that describes the specific operating conditions used. 因此,除非采用根据10节所述的特定操作条件得到的报告,否则使用本标准就没有参考意义。
Therefore, noel methods are needed that would allow for deliery of effectie concentrations of paclitaxel oer extended time interals while minimizing toxicity. 因而,寻找一种新的给药方法以能较长时间的维持病灶部位的紫杉醇有效浓度并使其毒性最小化就显得很迫切。
Therefore, now take your first step. 所以,现在就从这里踏出第一步吧。

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