Rather than wasting bullets, megalomaniacs prefer to kill their arch enemies using complicated machinery involving fuses[4], pulley systems, deadly gasses, lasers, and man-eating sharks, which will allow their captives at least 20 minutes to escape.
跟浪费子弹比起来,自大狂们更喜欢使用复杂的器具干掉他们的头号敌人,包括定时炸弹、滑轮装置、致命毒气、激光和食人鲨,这至少给了他们的俘虏20分钟的时间逃跑。 |
Rather than wasting bullets, megalomaniacs prefer to kill their enemies with complicated devices incorporating fuses, pulleys, deadly gases, lasers and man-eating sharks.
患有妄想症的坏人都不愿浪费子弹,他们偏好用各种包含引线、滑轮、毒气、雷射与鲨鱼的复杂装置来杀人。 |
Rather than what comes out of mouths beforehand, it's what is in the minds of players at kick-off Cole believes is the key factor.
科尔认为是关键看球员们比赛开始时的心理状态更重要,而不是赛前口头上的争论。 |
Rather that Shevchenko having to modify his game to English football, José Mourinho expects the striker's versatility to increase his team's options.
舍瓦需要修正自己的比赛风格以去适应英国联赛,而穆里尼奥希望借助于这位攻击者的全面能力增加球队比赛的选择。 |
Rather the connection between letters and sounds should be learned incidentally through exposure to text.
字母与语音的连结是孩子在阅读过程中间接学会的。 |
Rather the delicacy of the brow, the projection of the face and the curvature of the rear of the skull evoke H. habilis, the presumed forebear of H. erectus.
他的眉脊不发达、面孔突出,还有后脑壳的弧度都与巧人很像,而学者一般假定巧人是直立人的祖先。 |
Rather the experiment tested a mathematical system to explain how insects and their simple nervous systems carry out high-speed balancing acts.
反之,这项实验是为了测试某个数学系统,用来解释昆虫如何用上简单的神经系统,就能执行高速的平衡动作。 |
Rather the lion's share was trapped in aluminum phosphate minerals, which contain no uranium at all.
相对的,大部份的氙被囚禁在磷酸铝矿物中,这种矿物根本完全不含铀。 |
Rather they signal the need to develop management systems capable of flexibly addressing constraints as they arise.
相反,这提示我们人类开发出能够灵活地制约类似问题的管理体系。 |
Rather they were the products of the decay of radioactive isotopes of iodine, which in turn were formed from radioactive tellurium and so forth, according to a well-known sequence of nuclear reactions that gives rise to stable xenon.
它们其实是碘同位素放射衰变的产物,而碘是由放射性碲产生,依此类推,经由人们所熟知的一系列核反应而产生稳定的氙。 |
Rather was it the result of a long molecular process which worked like a ferment within the army, producing a change in its psychology.
它是一种漫长的逐步变化过程的结果,这种过程就像发酵一样,在军队内部发生作用,使军心起了变化。 |