Differentiaton of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Neuron-like Cells with Danshen Injection
丹参注射液诱导间质干细胞分化为神经元样细胞 |
Effect of Cu,As and their combination pollution on eco-physio logical index of wheat
Cu、As及其复合污染对小麦生理生态指标的影响 |
Watershed Ecology, Flood Disaster Control, Water Pollution Control and Sustainable Development in Taihu Basin
流域生态学与太湖流域防洪、治污及可持续发展 |
Development in the Rapid Detection of Salmonella
沙门氏菌快速检测方法研究进展 |
Degradation of organic phserhorus pesticides by engineered bacteria and theci immobilized cells.
工程菌及其固定化细胞对有机磷农药的降解 |
Co-metabolic degradation of pyrene in soil.
芘在土壤中的共代谢降解研究 |
Relationship Between Differential Expression Patterns of Multigene Families and Heterosis in a Wheat Diallel Crosses
小麦杂种及其亲本苗期叶片家族基因差异表达及其与杂种优势关系的初步研究 |
Flora study of Halophytes in China
中国盐生植物区系研究 |
The application of genetic engineering and its safety management
基因工程的应用及其安全性管理 |
PCR Amplification of Anaerobic Fungal 18S rDNA from Landfill Sites
垃圾填埋场中厌氧真菌18S rDNA的PCR扩增及鉴定 |
Development and application of genetic markers in plants
遗传标记在植物上的发展与应用 |