5 Wire rope light is the best of LED rainbow light,it is widely used for the decoration of high building、crossroads and so on.
本产品是LED彩虹灯带是顶极精品,适合超高层建筑装饰。用控制器驱动,有行云流水之效果,可做成多达几十种颜色跳法变化。 |
5 With that internal reponse,your self-concept will certainly suffer.
有了那个内部反应,你的自我概念(自我认知)肯定会受损。 |
5 With trembling hands he assembles his weapons: dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie, tan raincoat and hat. Image, he believes, is everything.
他用颤抖的双手收拾行装:深色宽松裤,蓝衬衣和与之相配的茄克衫,褐色领带,土褐色雨衣和帽子。在他看来,形象就是一切。 |
5 Workover fluids is O.K.
修井液已配好。 |
5 You dont need to think more about those mistakes in your estimation. It's more important to avoid making the same mistakes again.
你不必再去多想那些判断上的失误了。重要的是尽量避免再犯。 |
5 You must never allow rogues to jump the queue.
你绝不能让无赖插队. |
5 Your good deed shall be remembered forever.
人家会把你的恩惠永记心头. |
5 a star begins to form when nuclear fusion takes place.
核聚变(核子融合)发生时,一颗恒星就开始了形成过程。 |
5 am, June 4th, 1989, Beijing, special unit soldiers in camouflage outfits rushed the Hero's Memorial, driving off students.
六四凌晨五时,穿迷彩军服的特种作战部队士兵冲上人民英雄纪念碑驱赶学生。 |
5 arbitrary slice order: A decoding order of slices in which the macroblock address of the first macroblock of some slice of a picture may be smaller than the macroblock address of the first macroblock of some other preceding slice of the same coded pictu
任意片顺序:在片的解码顺序中,图象中的一些片的首宏块的地址可能比同一副图象中的前面的片的首宏块的地址小。 |
5 assign, without notice, this Guaranty in whole or in part and Buyers rights hereunder to anyone at any time.
无须通知,随时向任何人转让全部或部分的担保权利和下列买方权利。 |