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I can cook an omelette, and I can make coffee, but I can not bake bread.

I can contribute 100 dollar at most. 我充其量只能捐助100美元。
I can contribute 100 dollars at most. 我充其量只能捐助100美元。
I can contribute only 100 dollars at best. 我充其量只能捐助100美元。
I can contribute to 100 dollars at best. 我充其量只能捐助100美元。
I can contrive without meat. 我没有肉也能凑合(吃这顿饭)。
I can cook an omelette, and I can make coffee, but I can not bake bread. 我会做煎蛋卷,而且我会煮咖啡,但我不会烤面包。
I can cook or sing a song for him at break time. 我可以给他作饭,还可以在休息的时候唱唱歌。
I can cope by myself. 我自己可以应付.
I can cope with it by myself. 我自己可以应付.
I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me. 17我的骨头,我都能数过。他们瞪着眼看我。
I can crawl around now. 我现在可以四处爬行。

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