This legendary man has endured almost all the bitterness of human life.
这位传奇人物曾饱尝人世的辛酸。 |
This legitimation of monarchical authority would serve all the later peoples who settled or imitated Mesopotamian city-states; the only exception were the Hebrews who imitated Mesopotamian kingship but construed the monarchy not as a divine election but a
这种世袭的君主制被后来的很多民族或者美索不达米亚的城邦接受,唯一的例外是希伯莱人,他们效仿美索不达米亚的君王制度,但是解释君主制不是以一个神圣的选举而产生,而是违背了耶和华,希伯莱的主神。 |
This lemonade has lost its fizz.
这汽水跑气了. |
This length of cloth will make you a three-piece suit.
这段布料你可做三件一套服装。 |
This lengthens the distance the shuttle must travel to get to her, yet allows her to keep her position fairly close to the net.
这样延长了球飞行的距离,同时又可以让女选手尽量的靠近网前。 |
This lens can magnify 20 diameter.
这个透镜能放大20倍。 |
This lens is in focus only for a single wavelength, so that the throughput of the system is wavelength-dependent.
镜头只对单一波长聚焦,这样系统的处理能力就依赖于波长。 |
This lesion enlarged progressively and showed a reddish, elevated, dome-shaped surface.
病灶之病理切片报告爲粘液性癌。 |
This lesson explores different ways of extending the improvisation concepts introduced in the previous lesson, particularly in the use of passing notes, auxiliary notes and other decorative devices.
课程将探讨如何使用经过音、助音和其他装饰音符来延伸上一课所提出的基本即兴演奏方式。 |
This lesson focuses on principles of melodic imitation, inversion, the use of melodic and rhythmic motives as well as the construction of counter-melodies.
课程将著重于旋律的模仿、反向、旋律和节奏动机的使用以及如何构造副旋律。 |
This lesson focuses the principles involved in planning the solo improvisation part based on song structure and practical aspects of worship.
课程将提出一些指导原则,帮助大家如何根据诗歌的结构和敬拜的实况来策划独奏乐器声部。 |