Espresso-Italian style. The ideal coffee for your Espresso machine. This dark Espresso roast has virtually no acidity.
简介:意大利人喜欢喝黑咖啡,麦诺家族同样的也尝试了这一口味,终极浓烈就是代表。 |
Espresso: For an energetic black dog.
一个充满活力的黑色狗. |
Esquel's plight is winning attention from international conservation and environmental groups such as Greenpeace.
艾斯圭尔的窘境正获得“绿色和平”等国际保育及环保团体的高度关切。 |
Essay #2 due; bring 3 copies for small group workshops; theory handout.
8缴交文章#2;带3份复印内容到课堂上给小组讨论工作坊;理论讲义。 |
Essay - A short article on a single subject written from the author's personal viewpoint.
散文-短暂单一主题写文章作者的个人观点. |
Essay 3: Capturing Beauty (PDF) (Courtesy of Anonymous Student. Used with permission.
作文3:《捕捉美丽》(PDF)(由匿名学生提供。获得允许使用。) |
Essay assignments and shorter writing exercises enable students to make connections between the lectures, readings, screenings, discussion sections and their own lives.
论文和短篇写作训练能让学生将平时上课内容,阅读,影片,及讨论部分的内容和日常生活作结合。 |
Essays are due at noon on the dates indicated.
缴交的期限是规定日期的当天中午。 |
Essays must conform to MLA standards.
论文格式需符合MLA标准。 |
Essays written by high school students need to be blue-penciled.
高中学生所写的作文需要修改。 |
Essence ingredients refined from mushroom and chamomile can further smooth and firm your skin, bringing you amazing experience of firming and whitening skin.
来自蘑菇和母菊的精华成分更能平滑紧致肌肤,带给你肌肤紧致嫩白的惊喜体验。 |