The process is very similar to that used to electroplate aprecious metal onto an object except that the absence of a receiving object at another electrode causes the silver to remain in a colloidal suspension in the water.
这个工艺过程与将稀有金属电镀到物体上非常相似,只是另一个电极上没有接受物体而使银保留在水中的胶状悬浮液上. |
The process is, firstly, there is much improperness in literati lyrics, which makes the player must use a method called sing according to the tone of charactersto sing the melody.
其过程为:文人曲词中存在着大量的出律现象,这导致歌场上普遍使用“依字声行腔”的方式,如此才方便将曲作原词搬上舞台,并避免歌者“拗嗓”。 |
The process is: conducting calculation and analysis with the help of SPSS, the statistical software, measuring the comprehensive economic capabilities of county economies by the comprehensive factor score after oblique rotation, and then ordering, grading
其过程是:通过SPSS统计软件进行计算和分析,以斜交旋转后的综合因子得分作为县域经济综合实力的度量,给出贵州省2003年各区县的综合实力排序以及等级划分情况并做出相应的评价。 |
The process manager(scheduler) maps single processes onto resources according to a specified scheduling policy such that all processes meet their requirements .
进程管理程序(调度程序)的任务是根据规定的调度策略把进程映射(对应)到处理器资源上,使得所有进程能满足它们的需求. |
The process must include a participatory role for local communities.
在项目执行的过程中必须有地方社区的参与。 |
The process never ends; it constantly moves back upon itself to go forward.
这过程永无止尽,总是周而复始的继续向前。 |
The process normally involves treating the yarn or woven article with a cold, concentrated sodium hydroxide solution under tension.
丝光处理的过程一般包括在压力环境下用冷的,浓缩的氢氧化钠溶液处理纱线或都已织好的布料。 |
The process of Deliberate Misinterpretation highlights four features: incongruity of encoding in the process of decoding; departure of ostension in the process of inference; the maximum relevance in the lowest state, and deliberate deviation of the mutual
研究发现,刻意曲解凸显四个特征:解码过程中对编码的乖讹过程;推理过程中对明示的偏离过程;最佳关联性达到最小值的过程;对互明认知环境的蓄意破坏过程。 |
The process of Ear Candling involves the use of a hollow candle with the narrow end held gently onto the edge of the ear.
耳烛治疗是以燃烧耳烛,达到真空效果,吸出耳道内的废物。 |
The process of English learning is the process of transformation of the way of thinking from Chinese to English, and the process of learning how to use the English signs formed by the signifier and the signified to do the thinking.
英语学习的过程,就是从汉语思维到英语思维的转化过程,也就是学会用英语能指与所指所构成的语言符号进行思维的过程。 |
The process of Singapore's political democratization has been completely manipulated by the PAP, and perhaps it still has a long way to go.
新加坡的政治民主化进程完全操纵在人民行动党手中,但要完成政治转型还有很长的路要走。 |