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A 67-year-old man was switched from methotrexate therapy to leflunomide, at which time he had no rheumatoid nodules.

A 65-year-old man who developed a ventricular aneurysm following myocardial infarction is presented here with the special finding of systolic compression of the left anterior decending coronary artery by the true aneurysm. 摘要一个65岁男性病人在心肌梗塞后,发生左心室血瘤,而他的左前降枝冠状动脉因此受到心室血瘤之压迫。
A 65-year-old woman saved her husband's life after beating off a mountain lion which mauled him as they hiked in a California park, wildlife officials said. 野生动物官员指出,一名65岁的妇女击退一头山狮,救回丈夫性命;当时他们在加州一处公园健行,这头山狮攻击他。
A 65-year-old woman with primary hypercholesterolaemia developed hepatitis with characteristics of autoimmune hepatitis while receiving atorvastatin. 1例65岁妇女因原发性高胆固醇血症接受阿伐他汀治疗,而并发以自身免疫性肝炎为特征的肝损害。
A 66-year-old British grandmother with a taste for marijuana casserole was spared jail despite admitting she had shared cannabis-laced cookies with fellow pensioners. 英国一名嗜好焗烤大麻的六十六岁老奶奶,虽然承认把大麻饼乾分给同伴们吃,却免于牢狱之灾。
A 66-year-old female with suspicuous sphincter of Oddi dysfunction developed subcutaneous, retroperitonea4 and mediastinal emphysema during sphincter of Oddi manometry. 摘要治疗性内视镜检查合并肠道穿孔有报告约1%,但在诊断性内视镜检查则很好少有人报告。
A 67-year-old man was switched from methotrexate therapy to leflunomide, at which time he had no rheumatoid nodules. 1例67岁男性的甲氨喋呤治疗改变为来氟米特治疗,那时他没有类风湿结节。
A 68-year-old man in northern Nigeria told reporters that after having married a total of 201 women in 48 years, he had resolved to make do with the four wives he still had. 尼日利亚北部一位68岁的老人告诉记者,他在过去的48年中和201位女人结过婚,现在他只想和现有的四位妻子平静生活。
A 70-pound octopus can squeeze through a hole as small as a dollar coin. 一条70磅重的章鱼能从一个一美元硬币大小的孔中钻过去。
A 70-year-old California man who survived a mountain lion attack has been transferred to a San Francisco hospital. His condition was recently downgraded from fair to serious following emergency surgery. 在加州,一名70高龄的老汉从美洲狮的口中余生,他随后被送往旧金山医院。经过紧急手术后,他的情况变得更糟了.
A 70-year-old Californian man who survived a mountain lion attack has been transferred to a San Francisco hospital. 遭到美洲狮的袭击一位70岁加利福尼亚州老人,幸存下来了,并已转到旧金山一所医院里。
A 70-year-old Japanese climber believed to be the oldest man to scale Everest marked the achievement by leaving a photograph of his dog on the summit. 一位70岁的日本登山者登上珠穆朗玛峰,被认为是目前为止登上珠峰年龄最大的人,这位老人把他爱犬的照片留在了顶峰,作为他登上珠峰的证明。

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