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Long sleeve features a double-elbow and sleeve keepers to help keep your sleeves rolled up.

Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with Mr. 亲爱的,你得知道,郎格太太说,租尼日斐花园的是个阔少爷,他是英格兰北部的人;听说他星期一那天,乘着一辆驷马大轿车来看房子,看得非常中意,当场就和莫理斯先生谈妥了;他要在‘米迦勒节’以前搬进来,打算下个周未先叫几个佣人来住。”
Long seen as a problem of the rich world, it is on the increase in poorer nations. 肥胖以往被认为是富裕国家才有的问题,如今在贫穷国家也有增长的趋势。
Long shadows at midday are a giveaway. 正午的长影子就是一个免费的样品。
Long skirts are in vogue nowadays. 长裙现在很时尚.
Long skirts have come into fashion again. Faded jeans are still in fashion too. 长裙子又流行起来。漂浅的牛仔裤也还很时髦。
Long sleeve features a double-elbow and sleeve keepers to help keep your sleeves rolled up. 长袖的特点是有双层护肘和有助于卷起袖子的袖绊。
Long suffering, self-denying, reflective, and intelligent, a constitutional reserve and taciturnity placed and kept her in the shade, and covered her mind, and especially her feelings, with a sort of nun-like evil, which was rarely lifted. 她总是忍耐,克制,冥思苦想而聪明智慧;气质上的含蓄内敛和沉默寡言总是把她摆到一个不引人注意的地位;这使得她的思想,尤其是她的感情,仿佛被一幅修女的面纱遮盖着-这面纱很少揭开。
Long tassels hung down to the floor. 长长的缨子垂到地面。
Long term can range from weekly to yearly. 长线指的是从至少一周到几年。
Long term liabilities refers to total debt payable within an operating cycle of one year or over one year, including long-term loans, payable liabilities, long-term payables, etc. 长期负债指企业在一年以上或者超过一年的一个生产周期以上需要偿还的债务合计,其中包括长期借款、应付债务、长期应付款项等。
Long term problems with pollution has made Japanese scientists leading authorities on algal blooms. 长期的污染问题使日本科学家在研究海藻过剩方面居世界领先水平。

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