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The Primary characteristic and research development was introduced in the electro-hydraulic hammer technology in both domestic and aboard.

The President\'s defense program is costing the tax payers a pretty penny. 总统的防御计划花费了纳税人许多的钱。
The Presidential Suite occupies an expansive 884 square meters, while five Grand Hotel Suites and nine Personality Suites, each named after various luminaries associated with the hotel, are equally infused with the splendour of the past, yet technological 酒店内设有面积达884平米的豪华总统套间、5间独具特色的贵宾套间、还有9间分别以曾下榻酒店的名人而命名的名人套房,今日的新貌伴往日凝聚地高贵气质,使得酒店再度步入辉煌时刻,为21世纪国际旅客的各方面需求作好了全方位的准备。
The Presidium shall elect some of its members to rotate as executive chairmen of the sessions. 主席团互推若干人轮流担任会议的执行主席。
The Priest at the right makes offerings to the sun god. 右边的牧师向太阳神献祭品。
The Priest coughs a few times to get his attention but the drunk just sits there. 牧师咳嗽了几声以引起他的注意,可是酒鬼只是坐在那儿。
The Primary characteristic and research development was introduced in the electro-hydraulic hammer technology in both domestic and aboard. 摘要介绍了国内外电液锤技术的主要特征、发展及现状。
The Prime Meridian, which runs through Greenwich in south-east London, became the basis for the world's time keeping in 1884 after the first Astronomer Royal, John Flamstead, calculated that the Earth rotated on its axis once every 24 hours. 1884年,首位皇家天文学家约翰法兰姆斯坦算出地球每隔24小时绕轴自转1次,使得通过伦敦东南格林威治的本初子午线成为全球计时基准。
The Prime Minister admitted, (strictly) off the record, that the talks had failed. 首相承认会谈失败, 此消息(绝)不可发表.
The Prime Minister announced that she would resign. 首相宣布她将辞职.
The Prime Minister appointed some new ministers to ginger up her administration. 首相任命一些新大臣以增强她现届政府的活力。
The Prime Minister assumed office on May 29. 首相于五月二十九日任职。

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