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Our headteacher divided our class into eight groups.

Our headmaster is fond of sport, not music. 我们校长喜欢体育,不喜欢音乐。
Our headquarters are in Hartford, Connecticut with additional offices in London and Dublin. 美国资产管理公司的总部设在康涅狄格州德首府哈特福德,另外在伦敦和都柏林也有办事处。
Our headquarters are in Shanghai. 我们总部设在上海。
Our headquarters in Hong Kong and our branch offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen constitute our nationwide foothold in the financial PR market. 皓天以香港为基地,并于深圳、北京及上海均设有分公司,造就了皓天财经集团市场上拥有之全国性稳固基础。
Our headquarters is located at Jincheng,Shanxi province.It has two outstation:the outstation of Beijing and the outstation of Shenzhen. 中心总部设在山西省晋城市,北京和深圳两地设有分部。
Our headteacher divided our class into eight groups. 我们班主任把我们班划分成八个小组。
Our headuqarters is in Geneva. 我们的司令部在日内瓦。
Our heart really aches very much. 我们的心真的很痛。
Our heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you for your help. 我们衷心感谢每一个给予帮助的人。
Our hearts are like the Paibi flowers amongst a joyful sea. 丙:(译:)我们的心儿像怒放的花朵,荡起一片欢乐的海洋。
Our hearts bleed for you. 我们为你感到悲痛。

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