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Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), stenting, surgical resection of the bridge (myotomy), and coronary bypass surgery are only reserved for the rare patient with severe symptoms.

Percision, Exquisiteness and Fineness and carrying forward the boundless oriental wisdom of chinese people and the spirit of opening China,has been fountain handicrafts,solar energy crafts,flotation handicrafts to the countries and regions all over the wo 十年来,我们沿着海上丝路的方向,源源不断地将喷泉、太阳能艺品、浮水艺品等优秀的树脂产品输向世界各地,成为人民生活的精神食粮。
Percussion instruments or their players considered as a group. 把打击乐器或他们的演奏者看成一组
Percussion is very clear and beautiful! 敲击声音十分清脆动听!
Percussion methods of fire-lighting date back to Paleolithic times,when some Stone Age tool-makers discovered that chipping flints produced sparks. 打击生火方法的日期要返回到旧石器时代,当一些石器时代工具生产者发现打火石碎片产生火花。
Percussionists are required to perform with snare drum, keyboard percussion and timpani. 敲击乐须能演奏小军鼓,键盘敲击乐器及定音鼓。
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), stenting, surgical resection of the bridge (myotomy), and coronary bypass surgery are only reserved for the rare patient with severe symptoms. 只有少数严重的病人才需要安排心导管、血管整形、支管置入、外科切除或冠状动脉绕导手术。
Perdona, ?no tendremos algún amigo en común para que nos pueda presentar? 对不起!请问我们两个有没有一个共同的朋友可以介绍我认识你?
Perdue,Wendy.Personal Jurisdiction in the Internet Age:Alien,the Internet,and Purposeful Availment:A Reassessment of Fifth Amendment Limits on Personal Jurisdiction[J].Northwestern University Law Review,2004,99 (4):468-496. 在海牙国际私法会议渥太华会议上,在对1999年《海牙公约草案》第10条的讨论中,有代表认为:除侵权行为发生地外,由损害地法院行使管辖权也是适当的.
Perennial grasses store enough carbohydrates in below ground organs for germination in spring or for regrowth after cutting. 摘要多年生牧草在地下器官中贮藏的碳水化合物是春季萌发生长和刈牧后再生的物质基础。
Perennial membership dues in proportion to the members' level of principal amount with reference to their turnover; the criteria of levels and membership dues are stipulated in articles of commercial trade council. 二常年会费:依会员资本额并参照其营业额,划分等级;其级数计算标准及会费缴纳办法,于章程中定之。
Perennial non-scorer Makelele was an obvious choice to take the penalty. 从来没有进球的马克莱莱是个容易想到的主罚人选。

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