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A proprietary hospital.

A proposal to drink to someone or something or a speech given before the taking of such a drink. 祝酒为某人或某物而干杯的建议或喝这种酒以前的一个讲话
A proposal to raise taxes is the central plank of the party's platform. 多征税的建议是该政党选举宣言建议中的主要点。
A proposition obtained by conversion. 逆命题通过换位得到的命题
A propositional content can have different focuses of sentence. 一个命题内容可以有不同的语句焦点。
A proprietary API is one in which the client part of the interface has been specifically designed to work with one particular back end on the server. “专有应用编程接口是指连接到客户端的接口,这个接口被设计是用来在一个特定后端的服务器上运行.”
A proprietary hospital. 一家私人医院
A prosecutor assigned to the courtroom handled most of the routine appearances and arraignments that were paraded through each day. 一个公诉人一天会被分配到很多例行的开庭和传讯。
A prosecutor in West Virginia says the woman reportedly tortured for days may have been involved with one of the alleged attackers. 西部弗吉尼亚州一检察官称,这位据报中多天以来受到虐待的妇女可能与受到指控的袭击人之一有关系。
A prospectie cohort study of 134 ambulatory male eterans 165 years of age obsered for 1–4.5 years, including 29 subjects with bacteriuria,reported no aderse outcomes attributable to untreated bacteriuria[44]. 一个前瞻性队列研究134名年龄〉65岁的男性退伍军人,观察1-4.5年。进行了包括细菌尿29个指标的研究。发现不治疗菌尿对被研究者没有不良后果。
A prosthesis was fitted after the amputation. 截肢之後安装了义肢.
A protection algorithm can be judged as having strong capability of anti interference if it can eliminate decaying direct current component and high harmonic whose frequency is not the integer times of system base-frequency. 摘要能否滤除非系统频率整数倍的谐波和衰减的直流分量是衡量保护算法抗干扰能力的重要特徵。

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