An Auckland policewoman who boosted her income moonlighting as a prostitute in a top massage parlour will have earned up to $500 a night.
奥克兰女警以在按摩院提供性服务,每晚得到500元来增加收入。 |
An Audi is more expensive than a Citroen.
奥迪车比雪铁龙车要贵. |
An Australian aboriginal dance festival held at night to celebrate tribal victories or other events.
狂欢会澳大利亚土著的一种舞蹈节,在晚上召开以庆祝部落胜利或其他事件 |
An Australian church is trying to stop the proprietors of a nightclub from going ahead with plans to feature nude shows when it opens in a building owned by the church Friday.
近日,澳大利亚一所教堂正试图阻止隔壁夜总会在开张时上演脱衣舞的计划,因为这家夜总会租用的房子归教堂所有。 |
An Australian geneticist is urging the Prime Minister to listen to science and not his political instincts when it comes to the stem cell debate.
一位澳大利亚基因学家力劝总理,当涉及有关干细胞研究的争论时要相信的是科学而非他的政治直觉。 |
An Australian has come up with a novel solution to the millions of feral cats roaming the Outback:eat them.
一名澳洲人提出一种解决数百万在澳洲内地四处游荡野猫的新方法:吃掉牠们。 |
An Australian high school hopes to stop beach-loving students from bailing out of class by making surfing an approved subject.
澳大利亚一中学希望通过将冲浪列为学校正式课程这一举动来阻止那些冲浪爱好者的逃学行为. |
An Australian kangaroo receives a fierce blow to the head by a man dressed in a clown suit (pictured below) in a shameful contest that will further fuel fears over China's barbaric attitude to animals.
一只澳大利亚袋鼠头部遭到身着小丑服饰的人的猛击,这样无耻的比赛更加激起中国人对待动物的野蛮态度。 |
An Australian man has beaten 75 other contestants from around the world to win a race up the stairs of the world's tallest building, Taipei 101.
一场国际登高赛在世界第一高楼台北101大厦举行,一位澳大利亚选手击败了来自世界各地的75位竞争者成为本次比赛的冠军。 |
An Australian man who works for a company that makes road signs warning motorists of kangaroos has been involved in a motorbike accident -- with a kangaroo.
澳大利亚的一名公司职员日前在骑摩托车时遭遇了一场车祸,而肇事者是一只袋鼠。有趣的是,此人所在公司生产的产品恰好是一种专门用来提醒驾驶者前方会有袋鼠出没的交通指示牌。 |
An Australian nudist who tried to set fire to what he thought was a deadly funnel web spider's nest ended up with badly burned buttocks, emergency officials said Monday.
本周一,据澳大利亚处理突发事件的官员介绍,一位裸体主义者试图放火烧一只致命漏斗网蜘蛛的窝,结果自己的臀部被严重烧伤。 |