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Your failure in the business is inescapable unless you change your way of management at once.

Your face reveals much about your personality. 你的脸展现出了你的许多个性。
Your face still lightens up the sky in the night, your voice still rhymes them rain fall, and your hair still soften the wind. 你梦一般的脸庞依然点亮我孤寂的夜空,你轻柔的低诉是那细雨的韵脚,你的一袭黑发让晚风轻柔。
Your face tells it all. 你的表情透露了一切。
Your face turns purple when you hear of the atrocitiesattributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in Exodusand ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in Joshua-- including 你听人说真神阿拉的残暴行迳时气得脸色发紫,但听见上帝/耶和华在「出埃及记」和「约书亚记」如何屠杀埃及的婴孩和命令以色列人进行种族清洗-包括妇孺和树木-时,你却连眼都不眨一下。
Your factory is producing bears (toys). 你的工厂正在生产玩具熊仔。
Your failure in the business is inescapable unless you change your way of management at once. 你的买卖失败是不可避免的,除非立即改变管理方式。
Your failure to deliver the goods within the stipulated time has greatly inconvenienced us as the season is almost over. 你方未能在规定期内交货已经给我方带来很大麻烦,因为季节几乎已过。
Your family should always come before your job. 你的家庭应该比你的工作重要。
Your family still lives in Singapore, where you were based for Dell, right? 问:你的家人仍然生活在新加坡,原先你为戴尔工作时生活的地方,对吗?
Your family tree may look quite different than you expected. That is, you might well be related to the queen of England-but through a common ancestor who lived millennia ago. 你的族谱可能和你想象相背。你可能与英格兰女王有血缘关系,这是由于数千年前你们有共同的祖先。
Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder. 你那件出了名的蓝雨衣连肩膀都磨破了。

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